With the holiday season approaching, tech giants (namely Microsoft and Sony) are struggling to keep up with the overwhelming demand for their new consoles. The Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 are undoubtedly the hottest gifts on the market, and everyone seemingly wants to catch the video game fever. If you are a gamer, you probably know that accessories such as headsets, controllers and a comfortable seating arrangement are just as important as the game and console themselves. But what if I told you there is one extra accessory that will really pack a punch into your holiday season. Something that will help you focus, relax and make that new game that you just bought that much more enjoyable. I present to you… Kratom!
We here at Kratom Science urge you to be safe, wash your hands and stay inside with your new favorite gaming companion this holiday season. This is your guide to all things video games and kratom.
From personal experience, kratom is a perfect way for me to unwind after a day of work. A nice red such as the Bali is ideal for easing the tension in my body all the while lifting my mood and keeping me focused on the quest or mission at hand. Too often the game itself stressed me out, whether it be a hard difficulty, a tedious boss fight or just some player constantly eliminating me. I quickly realized that kratom allowed me to enjoy the experience and gameplay without feeling the need to rage quit! Games are all about having fun, and too frequently we play already stressed out. This in turn makes what should be enjoyable, not. That euphoric feeling associated with your favorite kratom strain goes a long way in enjoying the game no matter the outcome.
Kratom is great for competitive gamers. You know, those of us who have hour long sessions of high intensity, action packed chaos. Multiplayer games require a great deal of coordination, insight and focus. This leads many gamers to load up on sugary energy drinks to keep them going, even into the wee-hours of the night. After all, multiple hours of gaming can be tiring, both mentally and physically. If I know that I am going to be in it for the long-haul, I look no further than my trusty Super Green Malaysian kratom to aid me. I no longer feel jittery, and I find that its effects are much more longer lasting than any energy drink alternative (SGM has some of the longest lasting effects of any Kratom strain)! White strains are great for gaming too, for they pack more of an energy boost opposed to red and white.
Kratom has certainly enhanced my video game experience. I find myself laughing and smiling more at my games and overall just having a better time. I’m chilled out, collected and focused all at once. I am also genuinely happy to say that I found a natural alternative to highly caffeinated energy drinks during such gaming sessions.

If you are not a gamer, well maybe you should be! Don’t just take my word for it, follow the science.
The American Journal of Preventive Medicine conducted a study regarding the effects of video games on improving health-related outcomes. From their findings, they observed that video games improved 69% of psychological therapy outcomes, 59% of physical therapy outcomes, and 50% of physical activity outcomes.
A study conducted by researchers from the University of Iowa determined that participants ages 50 and older who played their brain teaser game were able to “delay the natural decline of a range of cognitive skills by up to seven years” (via Denise Chow – LiveScience, who quoted Professor Fredric Wolinsky).
Dr. Daphne Beavelier, a neuroscientist at the University of Geneva, determined that video games help gamers, “focus and maintain focus better than non-gamers,” improve one’s vision and attention to detail, make their brains work faster and more efficiently, and improve multitasking. Via Hult International Business School
Lastly, a research article published by Frontiers in Psychology found that video games:
- Contribute towards emotional stability
- Reduce emotional disturbances
- Lead to stress reduction
- Increase relaxation
- Enhance one’s mood
- Significantly help with skill acquisition
- Improve relationships with friends/newfound friends
- Bring upon a sense of accomplishment
Have you ever tried taking kratom while playing video games? Feel free to share your favorite games, strains and experiences below!
Disclaimer: There is no content on the Kratom Science Podcast nor on KratomScience.com that in any way constitutes medical claims or medical advice. You should consult a medical professional for medical advice and we believe this sincerely. Take care.
Now that you mention it, YES Kratom does go good with video games, Kratom and the other green vein stuff . Hands down
oh yeah, I completely agree with this post. Although in my case, I play mostly older snes and n64 games on an emulator, playing the different mods that people have come out with, but it’s exactly the same. I can now focus on what was incredibly difficult and just have fun no matter how well, or badly, I do. I do still sometimes get frustrated, but it takes a great deal more to make it happen with kratom than without it, plus there’s that all important pain relief
I don’t think even a Xanax could get you through a bad match of warzone without raging 😆 I’m kidding. Maybe… great article! I definitely enjoy my gaming more on my tea vibe 🎮 🐸 🍵