Coffee and Kratom: The Most Exciting Brew You Haven’t Heard About
The Mitragyna Speciosa, or better known as Kratom, is a close relative in the Rubiaceae family to a certain plant species that millions of people around the globe consume daily. Cup wise, we are talking upwards of 2.25 billion cups poured per day. As you may have guessed, or simply read from the page’s title, we of course are talking about coffee.
Here at Kratom Science, we understand the importance of keeping the family close. That is why we have created your ultimate guide for all things Coffee and Kratom.
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People around the globe use coffee for a variety of reasons, and like Kratom, not all coffee drinkers fit one particular profile. What we can find however, is overlapping uses, similarities and benefits between the two closely related plants. For instance, both Coffee and Kratom users report consuming to obtain an energy boost, facilitate social interactions, aiding physical performance/stamina, improving focus and enhancing one’s mood. But why are some coffee drinkers substituting their morning routine for Kratom, and others finding that combining the two works as a perfect blend? Let’s break it down.
Starting with the latter, it is important to look at the benefits of coffee, and understand why these benefits go well with Kratom.
Coffee Benefits & Drawbacks
Besides a delicious taste and smell, coffee has many perks that you may not know about. For one, coffee is rich in antioxidants, including hydrocinnamic acids and polyphenols (many coffee drinkers acquire most of their daily value in antioxidants this way without even realizing!) The Mayoclinic cites antioxidants as the substances that may, “protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.” Coffee also contains essential nutrients, and just a single cup contains (via Healthline):
- 11% of vitamin B2 (Reference Daily Intake Percentage)
- 6% of vitamin B5
- 3% of Manganese and potassium
- 2% of vitamin B3
Other positive factors of a caffeinated cup of coffee include:
- Lower risk for type 2 diabetes
- Protection against Alzheimer’s Disease
- Boosting of your metabolic rate
- Increased fat burning during physical activity
- Lower risk of Parkinson’s Disease
- Protection against cirrhosis
- Increase in dopamine levels
- Short-term increase in memory, energy levels, and cognitive function

Next, we will take a look at why some coffee users are starting to view Kratom as a substitute for their early morning coffee routine. This boils down to coffee’s main alkaloid: caffeine, or 1,2,7N-t rimethylxanthine, which serves as a central nervous system stimulant and is the world’s most consumed psychoactive drug. It should be noted that many of coffee’s positives listed above are due large in part to caffeine. The drawbacks here revolve around daily consumption in high amounts and underlying conditions.
Obviously, having too much caffeine can make an individual awfully jittery and anxious. It can also make you restless if taken at night at night. Having a “caffeine crash” is a real thing too, and leave some users more tired and irritable than they were before they had their first cup. Kratom on the other hand, provides you a nice boost of energy without the overwhelming jitteriness (we’ll get into that in a bit). Harvard Health additionally noted that “high doses of caffeine can temporarily raise your heart rate and blood pressure, which may pose dangers for some people with heart disease.”
Like Kratom, caffeine is a drug and needs to be taken responsibly in appropriate doses and frequencies. All in all, excessive usage and tolerance are the two main contributors behind people wanting to make a switch, or simply cut back on their caffeine intake.
But what do we get if we combine the two in appropriate amounts? The Perfect Blend.
Understanding Kratom’s Alkaloids

Like coffee, many attribute Kratom to increased feelings of euphoria, increase in physical endurance and boosted energy levels while taken recreationally.
Many testify that Kratom helps with symptoms such as anxiety, cough, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, pain relief, immunity boost, increased focus, sexual enhancement, sleep aid, and opiate withdrawal. Combining these properties with your coffee gives you one super cup of joe! Granted, these effects can and will differ depending on strain and amount of Kratom used. But what develops a strains’ properties?
As mentioned previously, coffee’s main alkaloid is caffeine. In Kratom, the alkaloid of mitragynine was originally believed to be the primary active ingredient, for it is the most abundant. Mitragynine by itself however, was found to have no analgesic properties, and was written off by the medical community back in the 70’s. However, further research done in the early 2000’s by a team of Japanese researchers later proved that the true active alkaloid in Kratom was 7-hydroxymitragynine. A caffeine counterpart, per say. This alkaloid, when consumed in small amounts, provides a stimulated effect. The boost of energy is similar to a cup of coffee, without the jitters. Higher quantities of this alkaloid however, can help with pain relief, relaxation and create an euphoric state of mind. In the world of Kratom, less is more. Keep this in mind when measuring your dosage.
Further information regarding kratom strains, effects and dosage can be found here.

There are several factors involved when deciding your coffee/kratom combo. For one, deciding what kind of coffee you should use. Secondly, finding what kratom strain would blend nicely with your morning routine.
Granted this is all based on personal preference, but these decisions are easily resolved once you figure out what kind of coffee you like to drink.
Light Roasts
Medium Roasts
Dark Roasts
Decaf Roasts
Means Of Preparation
One of the best reasons for combining kratom with coffee is that it will maintain its alkaloids (as long as your water temperature does not exceed 205 degrees fahrenheit). Additionally, adding sugar, creamer or cocoa powder all provide great tastes that help you mask the inherently bitter taste of both kratom and coffee. We did some digging and found out how others in the Kratom Community are preparing their new favorite drink.
Have you ever brewed coffee and kratom together? Feel free to leave your recipes and comments down below!
As a mom of 3 littles who works a full time job, I am always looking for ways to boost my energy and help me get through the day. Coffee has always been my go to, but I was intrigued when I heard about the benefits of kratom. At first I was hesitant to try it because I had heard about its potential side effects, but I researched, found a reputable brand, and started with a low dose to be safe. To my pleasant surprise, I found that mixing kratom with my morning coffee was truly a GAME CHANGER! Not only did it help me feel more alert and focused, but it also helped me stay energized throughout the entirety of my busy day. I no longer experience that mid-day slump that I was used to. It is the perfect balance of energy without the jitters that often come with too much caffeine! Definitely worth a try!
I brew a small cup of coffee, mix in my Kratom. then steam milk with some vanilla and caramel flavor. Its my morning!!
All sounds great and delicious. Thank you ❤
Shock Coffee + Super Green Malaysian + Splenda + Vanilla Almond Milk = Odinforce.
Death Wish coffee + Green Maeng Da + Stevia (Sugar) + Creamer if desired = 👍💯
Great writing!! Keep sharing the good stuff. Wish you all the best.