Dosage Conversion Chart

Please be aware that the below charts reflect estimates and not exact measurements consistent across all kratom vendors. While it is recommended that you buy a scale to correctly measure your kratom, these charts offer support for those who are unable to do so.

When measuring an extract, we strongly recommend purchasing a small digital scale as they often have a significantly higher degree of variability.

Average Powdered Leaf

1 gram0.035 ounces
50 grams1.75 ounces
100 grams3.5 ounces

Crushed Leaf

1 Tablespoon2.7 grams
1 Teaspoon0.9 grams
000 Capsule0.70 – 1 gram

Bali Powder

1 Tablespoon6.2 grams
1 Teaspoon2.3 grams
000 Capsule0.75 – 1 gram

Maeng Da Powder

1 Tablespoon7 grams
1 Teaspoon2.6 grams

Green Malay Powder

1 Tablespoon6.9 grams
1 Teaspoon2.4 grams

Extract Capsule Conversion (00 Capsules)

Click On Any Strain Below For More Information:

Extract00 Capsule DosageEquivalent Powdered Leaf
Gold Reserve Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram7-8 grams Powdered Leaf
Ultra Enhanced Indo Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-8 grams Powdered Leaf
ISOL-8 Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-7 grams Powdered Leaf
Ultra Enhanced Maeng Da Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-8 grams Powdered Leaf
Ultra Enhanced Red Kali Extract Capsule1 cap = approx .5 gram6-8 grams Powdered Leaf

1,739 thoughts on “Dosage Conversion Chart”

  1. Just a question, does anyone take celexa (antidepressant) with kratom? I’m in a treatment program and kratom is the only thing truly keeping me from relapsing but I was also prescribed celexa. Has anyone had any interactions taking the two? Thanks

    1. I didnt notice any adverse reactions or differences when I was taking celexa but I was also on a very low dose of celexa at the time.

    2. I take 40mg Celexa and Kratom. I have had no interactions or anything. I have been on the Celexa for about 3 years and started using Kratom one year ago. 🙂

    3. I take 40mg of Celexa also, and haven’t had any problems taking Kratom. I would like to know if anyone has had the issues I’m having with withdrawal from Fentanyl. I have trigeminal neuralgia, which causes extreme nerve pain, and was eventually prescribed 4 different pain killers to control the pain. After 2 years of taking Fentanyl bad pain killers the routine became tiring and the side effects intolerable. I began to taper off my meds and in June 2018 I had a laser procedure to alleviate much of the sporadic nerve pain. After the procedure I decreased my meds to only the Fentanyl patch, and as my doctor advised cut them into smaller pieces to slowly taper off. I had my last dose/patch 2 and a half weeks ago and the withdrawal still kicked in terribly hard, despite dosing down to a 1/4″x1/4″ size patch. I read up on Kratom and felt that trying wouldn’t hurt, and a Kratom shop just so happened to be 3 blocks from my place. The Kratom immediately helped with my withdrawal symptoms, but as the Kratom wears off, the withdrawal symptoms kick in. Although Kratom isn’t an opiate, because it works in the brain similar to one scares me. I don’t want to feel or be addicted to anything my body doesn’t need. Today begins the 3rd week of my opiate withdrawal. The symptoms aren’t as bad, I just can’t sleep longer than 3-4 hours a night, and my muscles feel sore. Kratom helps alleviate the soreness, and elevates my mood but the 3 or 4 capsules is typically take don’t have the same effect, and I’m not going to 5. I’m worried that taking Kratom could be extending the symptoms of my opiate withdrawal. Has anyone had a similar experience with using Kratom to help with opiate withdrawal, and would you suggest that I quit taking Kratom now?

      1. I withdrew from fentanyl 2yrs ago.cold.turkey…was dr. Have me on opiods…I’m trying to wean off going to use krantom…pray it works… fed up.with doctors….

        1. Jay, what has worked for most with WD’S is red bali mixed with green MD. That is what I used, but you have to find your dose. I think you are taking too little. I didn’t do capsule but used a heaping spoon of powder way back in my throat and held breath, head up and chased with mountain due. For the first week had to do this every 3 hrs. Took only red bali at night. I had no with draws.

      2. No, it’s not extending the withdrawals, it works differently on your Opioid receptors so you should have a clean start with the Kratom and still be able to beat the addiction to Fentanyl but if you take it numerous amount of days in a row you will have withdrawals from Kratom but they should be tolerable unless your taking a HUGE amount (extracts) I’ve found that taking more than 8 or 9 grams of powder Kratom leaf I start feeling sick to my stomach and I do take the capsules and they DO work. I was a Heroin addict and pill addict I used to get a ton of Roxy 30s and then Oxy 40s and then Opana and then Heroin and then Fentanyl. I started going to the doctor to get Subutex and got up to 20mg+ of Subutex a day (high dosage) and then something very VERY terrible happened at home and so I cold Turkey dropped Subutex after 2 years and took Naltrexone (vivatrol) at increased dosage a day until after 8 days I could get the shot and I NEVER have been so sick in my life. It wasnt the sickness that bothered it felt like I was losing my mind. Before I was able to get into the doctor to start my Naltrexone I ordered Meng Da Kratom and it REALLY made things tolerable until I was ready to get the Vivatrol shot and I didn’t get sick from the Kratom so…It wasnt extending anything. (about a week).

    4. Apparently neither kradom or celexa keeps me from being an airhead. I am replying to Austin no John. But hello to the both of you.

    5. Hi John, if that is your real name. Ha just kidding. Ok, yes I have been on celexa for about 8 years now. I have been on and off several different antidepressants and anxiety meds for the past 24 years. Celexa has been the only one that truly helped me be me. I can honestly say no side effects except for a bit of weight gain due to water retention but that is only at the top does of 40mg. Also, I am a woman age 47 so you probably won’t have this problem. I also take kradom. Only about 4mg a day around 2:00 pm. I do take it almost everyday. I have been on it for almost 2 months now. I am a master at noticing any small change in me, body, mind and soul and I can say I have not had any bad reaction with the two. Side note, the kradom, I take for many reasons, the celexa helps with cronic pain, anxiety and depression but I also have other health issues that kradom takes up the slack for. Kradom also got me through withdraws from taking my celexa dose from 40 to 20 mg. I am a mom of 5 boys so I do have to throw this in there. Everyone is different. Everyone will have different experiences and effects so take it slow and if you are on celexa take it everyday same time as close as you can to the same time anyway. Remember kratom and celexa won’t “fix” anything on their own. They are tools so you can do things. Like a hammer won’t wack a nail in on its own but, put it in a persons hand and that nail will go right in with effort. Good luck.

    6. I’ve been taking kratom almost 2 years now, as it’s a huge part in my recovery as well, and I’ve been taking lexapro, which is also an SSRI just like celexa and it doesn’t have a negative effect on me

    7. I’m not a doctor but have a degree in nuclear medicine; went to school for phlebotomy and am
      a personal trainer; I wrote a little of my story on here earlier I had the same questions bc I have been on Wellbutrin for 12 years at 150mg. I came off of Percocet, adderall and Xanax with kratom due to RA I had been prescribed these medications, had to keep my stress low, have chronic fatigue syndrome and was in the type of pain a person wants to die from; anything would have been better than where I was at. Thankfully my old doctor who is very old school and believes in holistic medicine was willing to answer my questions about antidepressants and Kratom; “once you are on a antidepressant you are on them for life; it’s designed to help straighten out your brain chemistry.” I couldn’t take celexa; I take my Wellbutrin at night as I take my Kratom during the day; never do I take them together.

  2. hello everyone.
    I am very new to kratom and have already learned so much just reading the replies. Had no idea that there could be so much variation between batches and powder variation! I needed a pain and anxiety supplement that actually works, and the one I have tried does, however I do end up violently retching after about 1.5 hrs. I am already taking a very small dose (by measurement, not weight), just wondering if experienced folks keep at it or just stop taking it. Is there any chance of organ damage from kratom use? Thanks all

      1. I’m looking for kratom tho help with my husband’s pain, oxy withdrawal(mainly pain to stay of oxy) and for his anxiety.
        What strains and dosages should we start with? No scale so have to be tspns at the moment.
        We’d appreciate and are desperate for advice. He can’t keep going thru withdrawal just cuz his dr won’t write oxy. Plus, he’s in actual pain, that’s why he takes oxy.

        1. Hey ma am we take red borneo and it helps with pain and anxiety, its unreal. The powder is what we take.
          We take white mag de for energy.
          Kratom has truly changed our life.
          Hope your husband finds something.
          We go to vapor dog in new port richey they are great there.

        2. Cray,

          There is absolutely no risk of organ damage from taking kratom, and it’s safe for diabetics; it has been found to lower blood sugar, so it may actually help with diabetes.

          Congratulations to everybody on here who is recovering from serious, life-destroying addictions!

          To those who say kratom is substituting one addiction for another, maybe it is, but so is coffee, cigarettes, refined sugar, video games, compulsive exercise, etc. Please consider that with kratom addiction, you will not die, and you won’t steal to support your addiction.

          Therefore, if it is just another addiction, it’s a harmless one. Don’t shame people for doing what works for them. If AA/NA work for you, great, but it doesn’t work for everybody.

          Peace, Shalom, Salam…

    1. I just got some have not taken it yet. They said don’t take on empty stomach an try tsp of the powder first then see how that does an tomorrow take two tsp. It scares me the reviews. We are having a tea shop opening up that is serving kratom tea. I can’t imagine having a work break an be throwing up an hour or so later. I have chronic pain. They lady said try Bali kratom

    2. Yes. Kratom is pretty hard on the liver. I love kratom but I take depakote so I make sure to be informed on the chemistry of any chemicals I take. Try to research before believing people that say kratom is harmless. Its not; it’s to be respected and treated like any other drug. The LD50 of Kratom is so high but sustained long term use of kratom can and will kill a person without taking that “impossible lethal dose” – which is more of guideline. Everybody’s chemistry is different. You can die from kratom from tachycardia or closed airways at high doses before reaching LD50. Just like the famously huge misconception by cannabis lovers like myself, that you cant OD on marijuana. BS. Yes you can. Hash, hash oil or edibled kills people all the time but nobody wants to accept or admit that. I’ve been on my death bed several times due to cannabis overdose and near heary failure. A drug is a drug… is a drug. Remember that.

      1. lol pot doesn’t kill ppl… you mentioned hash and hash oil….duh… but not smoking joints. Don’t try and cloud the water with cannabis kills… anything can kill if abused… strictly smoking pot wont kill you…. some idiots lol

      2. David, my personal experience with Kratom has been a positive one. I started about 6 months ago in effort to help me quit taking Vicodin (recreationally). I found that I didn’t have nearly as intense cravings for Vicodin as I normally did when I ran out. Currently I take 12 to 13 grams a day. 6 or 6.5 In the morning and 6 or 6.5 in the afternoon (no less than 6 hours from previous dose). About 1 month ago, I thought I’d experiment with quitting cold turkey to see if I would experience any withdrawal symptoms and to my surprise, it felt pretty much the same as quitting coffee. I’m not sure if I’m an anomaly but that’s my personal experience for what it’s worth.

        1. If you dont mind me asking, what strains did you use? I’m trying to get off norcos myself but have no idea what dosage/strain to use. Thanks in advance

        2. I’m trying to figure out how do I convert grams to Tablespoons. I don’t know how much to take, and not sure what to compare a gram to?

          1. 1g powder weight equals 1/4 tsp, I actually measured mine on a food scale bc initially I thought I was taking too much. I use medicine man 100% red vein Bali Kratom. So 1 tsp equals 4 grams weight; now convert tsp to tablespoons

      3. No you can’t die from a lower than lethal dose. Seriously? You can make yourself sick and or groggy which will cause you to vomit up what you took and go to sleep.

      4. David,

        I also call BS. You haven’t been on your death-bed, because you’re here talking about it. Just because you ate a brownie and thought you were going to die, doesn’t mean you actually would. You just freaked out and thought you needed to go to the hospital. If you had gone to see a doctor, they would’ve laughed at you.

  3. I take 2 mg of Klonopin after I get off at work around 6 PM. It’s getting more difficult to get a doctors prescription Because some doctors require that I go see a therapist for treatment and the therapist calls the doctor to approve of him writing a prescription. However it is difficult to get to the doctor and therapist because I work Monday through Friday 6 AM to 6 PM. Klonopin is fantastic, And it’s helped me deal with severe anxiety for the past five years. There are times where I can skip a day but recently I depend on it. I am new to Kratom And just bought a little bit from a store and although the guy was really knowledgeable, I’m trying to find the best substitute for Klonopin While on between prescriptions. Does anyone have advice on the best Kratom For severe anxiety that’s not going to have serious side effects?
    Today I bought green Indo, white Bali, and green Borneo. Haven’t taken them yet

    1. I’ve been suffering from chronic bed is ready and depression or four years. I started taking indo and I was able to leave the house finally. I highly recommend it for depression. Just be aware that it is very addicting but won’t kill you

    2. Hi Paul,

      I’ve been talking kratom for a few months, and I honestly don’t feel much of a difference between the different colors, BUT they all work. The key is to alternate the strains (ex: Monday take White kratom. Tuesday take Green kratom, etc….) Doing this will ensure you don’t develop tolerance to any one strain…. Get as many different kinds as you can and alternate. I’ve found the Red strains are the best for relaxation, euphoria, etc…. But ALL of them will make you feel good. I suggest trying as many different ones as possible. Take on empty stomach if you can. Start with 1 teaspoonful to start. Actually 1-2 teaspoonful is ok. If you have any other questions, please ask..


      1. Hi everyone, I have been researching Kratom for suboxone withdrawal for about a year, I finally made the decision a couple wks ago, tapered down to .5 mlg of suboxone a day about a wk ago and have not taken any in 3 days, I’m taking the Kratom- it is making me sick when I drink it but it is helping me continue on with my life and not allow the withdrawals to take control, I also take .5 mlgrms of ativan a day I’m prescribed 2 a day but only take one as well as 5 mlgrms of ambien a night, I’m sending my husband to get me double zero caps today so that I can take it easier without it coming back up, that’s my scenario, my question is how many double zero caps is safe with what I’m taking & prevent the horrible withdrawals from kicking in? I took my last dose yesterday at 5pm and I went to bed at 10pm woke up at 2:40 feeling like I was gonna come out of my skin & I had leg cramps- I went and bought the vitamins for restless leg syndrome today I just dont want to go through that feeling again, I took a tablespoon of Kratom and was back asleep by 3:20 & I woke up at 6:30 to take my kids to school without any withdrawals

        1. Hey Amanda,
          First off, gel-caps are the way to go. CLEARLY, anyone who tried Kratom as straight powder knows…it’s freaking disgusting! I don’t know how some of these folks do it, but whatever works right?
          As for the caps and filling them goes, I order mine off Amazon. I find the vegetarian kind are slightly better on the stomach but are a little more brittle. The gelatin caps are a little cheaper and easier to fill. Depending on how many you take a day will dictate the best way to do so. I don’t to be a pain in the butt to fill caps every day, so I found a “00” cap filler online. There are a lot out there and are pretty cheap. So I find some time once a week to press them out. (Press makes 100 @ a time) Now for the IMPORTANT PART!!
          Weight them!!!
          I use a small bakers scale you can get from the store or online. Make sure it can weigh half grams at least (preferably tenths of a gram) weight empty caps 1st.
          Fill and ALWAYS weight after. Then just divide it up to the dose you want to use.
          I’ve been doing this for about 2yrs to get off meds and for a bulged disc. It has worked very well and will save you tons of money!!!

      2. That’s where I’m messed up I stayed on one strain too long an became dependent. Now I’m trying to figure out how to fix it. I tried to quit cold turkey but the restless leg syndrome was horrible and it took me into a severe depression. After 4 days of not being able to sleep I started taking it Again. I use to be on opiates and this is far better than being on opiates and way cheaper! I just hate lockdown drugs! drugs that cause me to have withdrawals if I don’t have them.

        1. I researched klonopin it is so addictive it only takes a few days to become depended on it I was prescribed it and it scared me so bad that I would only take it like 2 or 3 days in a row.those doctors have to know how addictive this crap is.

      1. I think u r don’t know what your talking about,u must not deL with anxiety,if u don’t have can’t understand it leave off when u don’t understand u r in a forum for Pray on which is against the law in some states, let’s us know when u get your M.D. and therapist license

    3. I also take klonopins for PTSD & anxiety I find that Red Vien Kali is superb. It typically switch from Red Vien Kali, Bali, Red Vien Thai & Red Dragon I typically always got for Red Viens. Switching helps you not get used to certain strains I do a few days of one and switch. But this is my opinion maybe you can try and see how you feel. Extracts I typically go for reds and Indo and Super Indo black. I add to powder so enhance the sedation and euphoria. There’s some good literature on Kratom. Very informative.

    4. I understand completely with the doctor situation. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t recommend cannabis nor kratom for anxiety. Kratom is not going to stop anything like a panic attack or severe anxiety like a benzodiazepine (Klonopin). The red strains are more sedating and have higher concentrations of active alkaloids you could try though.

    5. Kratom might help with the anxiety if it wasn’t being directly caused by klonopin withdrawal, but it won’t help with the physical risks which is what you should mainly be concerned about after 5 years on it.
      The package insert for klonopin says this, and they mean it:

      “What is the most important information I should know about KLONOPIN?

      Do not stop taking KLONOPIN without first talking to your healthcare provider. Stopping KLONOPIN suddenly can cause serious problems.

      Do not stop KLONOPIN without first talking to a healthcare provider. Stopping KLONOPIN suddenly can cause serious problems. Stopping KLONOPIN suddenly can cause seizures that will not stop (status epilepticus). ”

      Keep in mind the package insert for fentanyl only talks about reducing dosage slowly to avoid unpleasant symptoms, no mention of a potentially lethal chain-seizure… just to put the dangers of benzo withdrawal in perspective.

    6. Paul ,hi I too take klonopin 2mg per night. Please don’t try to substitute kratom for it. It’s a whole different kind animal. If you want to get off klonopin or any benzos, you will have titrate down .05 mgs at time. So you would take 1 and 1 or a 95th of pill ,maybe you are lucky and can take away 1/4 but beware and cautiously read all you can, benzos are dangerous drugs to come off of. You should consider consulting with your doctor he or she will have a great understanding how to do this. I don’t want you to suffer from this harmful drug. Good luck with your journey! And if anyone has any questions about benzos just post i will reply.

  4. I am a nurse and work on a unit that gives lots of pain killers. Tramadol is not very strong. But yes in high doses, above 250mg, it can induce seizure activity. Just the tramadol alone.

    1. Tracie,
      I have experienced this! I was on tramadol for quite awhile for a back injury and developed seizures so I ended up on narcotics of course. Just started Kratom and in hope that it helps so I can get off of morphine.

  5. Just to clear one thing up. No one should be telling someone to down a table spoon of kratom. Because there is no way of knowing how much Mitragyna speciosa (one of the main alkaloids in the plant) each batch of kratom actually contains. I’ve been using, researching and growing the plants for over 10 years. And over that time I’ve learned you can’t treat one batch of kratom like your last batch. I’ve taking as much as 15 “000” capsules and barely felt it. Then again I’ve taken 1/2 teaspoon of kratom from another batch same strain, vein color and vendor at the time. Which made me vomit for about 3 hours. Kratom is a completely safe botanical to use. But never assume one amount from one batch will be the same in the next. Also the strain and vein color might be the same. But you should also know what they don’t tell you. Such as drying process. are the leaves fermented or not? Fermented kratom is 13 times stronger then morphine. Also never assume the same batch has the same amount of Mitragyna speciosa or any of the as much as the other 25 compounds found in kratom. Unless your have a advance degree in chemistry and a fully equipped laboratory you will have no way of knowing how much of these compounds you are consuming. You just know someone on the internet told you to take 1 full tablespoon. Not even knowing your weight, age or tolorence. So always start low and go from there. The incredibly potent alkaloid, 7-hydroxymitragynine is 13 times higher analgesic potency than morphine and 46 folds higher than standard mitragynine. Red is sedative and a relaxed vein that can produce opioid effects. It is a euphoric color, and also famous for pain relief and relaxation of all kinds.They have high levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine than average kratom, an alkaloid associated with analgesia and stress relief. You must also remember that Everyone has unique biochemistry. Some people are more resistance to some strains more than others.

    1. Well said. I have done loads of research myself and agree with everything you stated. Especially about people having different biochemistry. I went through the pain pill debacle a few times, two knee surgeries, etc.. it got bad. Today I take Bali Gold, Bumblebee Brand. Combined with ibuprofen my knee pain is manageable. This particular strain also helps me with anxiety. It generally lifts my mood but not in a crazy euphoric sort of way. Also, if I stop taking it I feel ok. Unlike stopping antidepressants or pain meds. Kratom is a great alternative for me to pharmaceuticals and I have been taking it regularly for over a year. But that’s just me. Kratom does help me with some pretty intense pain and anxiety, but it is not necessarily a cure all for either issue as they are multifaceted. Walking my dog is a better treatment for anxiety than any of the 15 different antidepressants I have ever taken. Someone mentioned lack of sleep. Something I am intimately familiar with. I saw a doctor once who told me that if I dont sleep a lot every night, dont worry about it. Easier said than done, but eventually it sunk in and my concerns about how much or little I sleep have basically gone away. Today I stay pretty active and usually wear myself out. I used to believe that if I didn’t get 8 hours every night I was in trouble and going to be tired then next day. But I was only tired if I kept telling myself I was tired. Going back to biochemistry, red strains dont relax me as much as they probably do for most. It’s sort of the opposite. To anyone reading this, I completely agree with Kash, and I would seek out guidance from someone with his or her apparent knowledge when trying this stuff out. The dosing can be tricky and it took me quite a while to figure out what works for me because I didn’t have anyone to discuss it with. The places I buy my kratom have employees who actually take the stuff and from time to time we will discuss it; different brands, dosage, method of taking it, etc…

    2. You are very well versed regarding regarding Kratom I have stage 4 arthritis in both knees and my hip how much would you suggest I start out using

    3. Can you tell me the best brand that isn’t overly expensive. For my moderate to severe foot and leg pain. And how much to take this is to Kash 301

    1. 6692589817 I’ll take a text. Any info? I was using Gabapentin to help with my sleep for a few days but realized, because that’s not what it is used for, I cannot take it constantly. But what happens when you mix Kratom and Gabapentin? I have both 100 mg and 300 mg of the Gabapentin and I am a 29 year old female about 110 lb beginning my detox from a 3-year heroin habit. Left number above to text even! I have 750mg red bali, don’t want to “build a tolerance” to quite anything. Originally the Gabapentin was to help me sleep but I realized I cannot take it everyday or it won’t work for sleep, just wondering what happens when you mix it with the kratom.

      1. I used both in small doses to get thru off and on suboxone use even tho I kicked herion 3 years ago .. and well.. it was safe and pretty helpful

      2. I would strongly suggest that you first read experiential reviews on Gabapentin. I suffer from Major depression, and painful arthritis in my lower back. It is a tightrope I navigate, concerning medicine, treating without interactions. Doctor started me on Gabapentin in an effort to get me off Vicodin, which I had successfully taken for almost 10 years. No overdoses, no problems, just RELIEF with the Vicodin. Gabapentin slows the synapses in your brain, along with producing nasty side effects and even personality changes. It took me one absolutely hideous month of withdrawals. Worse than any medication I have ever been on. Every bad feeling you could imagine and relentless. I thought I was not going to make it. Read the hundreds, possibly thousands of neg reviews. There are personal horror stories and they are not hard to find. Withdrawal consisted of sweating, no sleep, nausea, headache, vomiting and all manner of digestive distress, anxiety, depression, I could go on and on. Honestly. It is poison. Go off it slowly. Very slowly, reducing your dosage 100mg a week until you are off. My husband dislocated his shoulder before I knew that the Gabapentin was making me sick. He was not himself at all. He would have outbursts of rage, which nearly ended our almost 30 yr marriage at the time. He titrated down slowly as well. We will not go near the stuff. Please, believe me. If you are on a low dose, go off as soon as you can. High dose? Be slow and careful. It will not be pretty but you WILL get through it. Do that first, then consider Kratom. Gabapentin affects you in ways that others close to you can see, but those of which you can be unaware. Rage. Irritability, anxiety, slowed speech and actions. Dissipation of mental capacity. Run away, but please do it safely and if your doctor doesn’t “get it,” titrate slower. Just know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Please, for the sake of all that is right and good, get off it. ASAP. Best wishes to you. Kratom works, but get rid of the poison first. Then, take the Kratom with care. It is easy to build an unhealthy tolerance pretty quickly. Used properly, it WORKS.

        1. Glad u posted this abt gabapentin. It’s dangerous!! Made me suicidal and was unable to fight it! I was on it for nerve pain and didn’t help. I have the same issues as you and Lyrica was a lifesaver. I’m new to kratom and Hope it can replace the Lyrica as well as the morphine, Baclofen and Butrans.
          I need help with serious pain, arthritis, migraines and withdrawal from those meds. Any ideas or combos i should start with?

          1. Hi I’m pretty new to kratom as well. For two years I was on heavy pain killers after I broke my spine. High dose of Dilaudid and Fentanyl. I was a shell of a human being. I quit all meds I was taking cold turkey. I heard about kratom, and it has been a lifesaver for me. I was on pain meds for two years and I quit them two years ago. I no longer need my ulcer meds as often, or ibuprofen. I was on Gabapentin too. I no longer need it. I still have pain in my spine , but since kratom, I’m more productive at work, I smile more, I sleep great. I’m also losing weight. Every three days I am losing about two pounds. After I quit pain meds cold turkey I gained a lot of weight. Kratom has helped me so much! I wouldn’t try to blend your Lyrica or Gabapentin with kratom. In fact, I would ask my doctor what could happen if you just happen to take certain meds with kratom. I’m a dental hygienist, and the doctors I work with actually recommend kratom. It’s safer than narcotics. I wish you the best of luck and I hope I was helpful. I hope you start feeling better, too. XOXO

          2. The pain killing effect is 13x stronger than morphine. Kratom also doesn’t cause respiratory depression like traditional opiates which makes it very safe.

      3. If i were u, from experience, GET OFF OF GABAPENTIN!!! If you are taking it for nerve pain(which is one reason for it) then stop and take Lyrica. I say this because while i was taking Gabapentin, it gave me serious suicidal ideations/tendencies, that i did not want!!. Never in my life have I had issues with suicide and it had me standing at the kitchen sink basically sawing at my arm with a knife, screaming for someone to please stop me because i couldn’t. Whatever reason you’re taking Gabapentin for, trust me, there is a better medication to take. I have insomnia and the best thing I have ever taken is trazodone. I can judge how much I need to take and will sleep for certain number of hours and wake up just fine, takes a couple times to get used to it. Gabapentin is a dangerous medication

        1. heya, i tried to kill myself taking lyrica, it did to me what gabapentin did to you, and it does it many people. a doctor in australia wanted to stop a study using lyrica for back pain patients because so many reported suicidal ideation: i’m glad it is helping you, but be careful when you advise others that it is safe. after less than a month on lyrica, i took 90 blood pressure pills, told no one and nearly died. never in my life had i done anything like that before. i have permanent movement disorder now and neuropathy that i did not have until lyrica caused it, along with gaining 20 lbs. there’s a facebook group called lyrica survivors for people who are trying to get off it, please suggest that so they know what they’re getting into. wishing you the best.

      1. I take 900 mg’s a day of gabapentin and use kratom on occasion in between my suboxone appt…. ive never had any ILL effects…. however that is just me…. I run out of my suboxone early sometimes because i take more then im supposed to because I have a major stomach issue (that may be related do long term suboxone use)…if u were wondering… im also the same age, and a male

      2. I take 600 mg Gabapentin daily, and there are no side effects whatsoever when taking Kratom. I’m currently taking kratom twice/day in small doses. Hope this helps!!!

  6. I was glad to read all the posts. I’m a newbie too but am totally “hooked” on Kratom. No doctor will help me with pain pills I have fibromyalgia and arthritis real bad and hurt constantly. Kratom is the only thing that helps me. My husband makes it up into pill form for me, and I take 6 to 8 “00” pills every 4 to 5 hours. It has given me my life back. I used to just sit and cry. Now I lead a normal life. ( so so😆)

    1. I have been using Kratom for over 6 months, Mostly red bali, I use it for anxiety and stress and to keep me off the booze and I will say it works, I have not been drinking. I do take a fairly high dose usually 5 teaspoons per dosage. I am getting a decent price, I can get a kilo for like 90 to 95 if I do an ach payment instead of debit or c/c. If you have a drug or drinking problem Kratom will help but you still have to put some work in, it is not a cure all. Its like vaping so you do not crave smokes but the vaping only helps and I still have cravings for smokes ast times. I just hope it stays legal as it is all ready illegal in 6 states. I hope this post helps any fellow addicts. P/O

        1. If you google where to buy, you can usually find it. I know there are several head shops that sell it in my area; in PA, the employees are not allowed to discuss anything about kratom itself, only the packaging size, price, etc. Go in with an idea of what you want; sometimes they have a book of printouts explaining each strain…… just google “where to buy kratom locally” or you can just purchase it online. do your research, it helps. Good Luck!

    2. Thank you so much Kate. I was going to ask the community what to do since I have fibromyalgia and my doctor won’t give me pain medication either. Im wondering what to do for pain and energy. I would be grateful for any information you have on what type of Kratom works for you.

      1. Robin Look into green and red strains,Red and Grteen Ma Daeng is common and known for energy and painkilling effects. Red is stronger and more sedative, possibly stronger pain killing effects as well. Green is more balanced with energy and pain killing effects. Perhaps try some of both, green for daytime use and red for bad pain episodes. Hope this helps and good luck to you!.

      2. Green maeng da!!!! I have fibro and fatigue bothers me way more than pain most days. Like can’t move or think straight fatigue. This stuff gives me focused energy, like a wide-eyed clear-headed feeling, not at all an “affected feeling” so I’m even comfortable using it before work. I use a very small dose in tea. Green bali relaxes my muscles and lets me sleep on days I can afford to. What a life saver!

      3. Hi I’m using Kratom for daily fatigue pain anxiety and depression. I like to mix it up get different kinds of strains each time. I usually do white and green together. I also have my red boreno when I run out for emergencies.

  7. Please go to the “Kratom for dummies page.. On facebook…not implying anyone is a dummy it’s just a great page with supportive, educated people that WANT to help you understand all about our wonderful tea we have been blessed to find. Then join other support groups connected to Kratom education.. If you have trouble finding them pm me (Laurie E. Blanton) on FB and I’ll send you links. Good luck!!

  8. I’ve recently discovered Kratom, please be careful when you’re using this so called natural product. I have been searching for a healthier way to combat my chronic pain. 40mg oxytocin extended release pills twice a day are my doctors orders. Kratom at a dose of 4 to 6 mgs does wonders for my disposition and physical relief. But beware, I mistakenly had taken 500mgs of tramadol the same day as I dosed with a high amount of kratom. I had a full blown siezure and spent the next 3 days in the hospital. DO NOT MIX the 2 or any opioid with kratom. Using kratom by itself at a dose of 4 to 6 mgs a couple times per week is your safer option. Also, if you are using welbutren, be aware this product lowers your threshold tolerance relating to seizures. High amounts of kratom along with other opioids or tramadol while on welbutren increases your chance of siezures immensely.

    1. Your seizure was caused by a high dose of tramadol. Tramadol causes seizures by itself at high doses but especially when combined with other drugs. Make sure to fully inform yourself so you don’t accidentally misinform many more people. Peace brother

        1. I have been on prozacfor the past 6 months 60mg a day and i use 20 grams of kratom a day the only thing ive noticed is i get tired now unless i dose high which i think tolarance is the problem after 2 years of daily use they say less is more but then why do i need more and more
          every month iam confused

    2. It is ABSOLUTELY the Tramadol!! I keep seeing headlines and comments that vilify Kratom but when you actually read all the way through, it turns out Kratom was mixed with some potentially lethal stuff. Gee, I shot heroin, snorted coke and took 5 grams of Kratom and for some reason I almost died. Damn Kratom

    3. Please, forgive me for asking a personal question, have you had seizures before Kratom?
      I’m looking into Kratom (and everything else under the sun) as a possible alternative instead of several months on pain meds after my upcoming multi-level ACDF surgery.

    4. I believe you meant to say “oxycontin!!?” “Oxytocin” is a drug they give women to increase contractions during laboe.

    5. Hey guy u might wanna recheck the name of the drug u used in 2nd sentence of ur post.
      I know u meant oxcycontin & so does almost 100% of US. But for purposes of fact u named a drug used in maternity to induce labor -oxcytocin.

  9. Karen
    i am very new to all of this. i used kratom to get off pain meds. i have a lot of metal holding my spine together, they just took a foot of my intestine out of me, i have a feeding tube, many conditions. i have two problems. the guy i get my kratom from is charging me $110. a kilo, i live on a fixed income of less then 800.00 a month, so, it is time for me to do something for myself. the second problem i have is finding a new doctor. with all the new laws that have taken place, because of the pain pill over doses, my doctor just is not the same. i need a dr. that will listen to the patient and not let the gov. tell him or her what to do. i live in phoenix @ my pcp needs to be a internal med..if you can help me any at all, thank you.

    1. Have you found a good Dr yet. My bf is going through the same thing and we are in Phoenix as well.Dr are scared to help. Write letters to all our politicians, health dept. Whoever you can think of. Plus there are chronic pain patients groups you should check out. Ex don’t punish pain,C-50 are a couple. you all need to come together and fight this injustice. Also, Be careful with pain clinics. They are not all certified in pain management. If u found a good Dr. Let me know. My email is [email protected]

  10. Hi guys I’ve been on MS Contin and oxycodone for almost 8 years now and I want to get off I’m starting to have some difficulty with my memory and I am a 51 year old female who desperately wants to come off those meds I hate it I just recently bought the maeng da is there a 30 capsules in the package and each capsule is 0.5. Because I was scared at first I only tried one and nothing happened and then I tried 2 still nothing now I’m up to 4 or five of the 0.5.
    Unfortunately I have a super high tolerance due to cancer I had 23 surgeries my pain doctor put me on the MS Contin the oxycodone and for breakthrough painFentura I am glad to say that I do not take theFentura I haven’t in almost a year but I still have the other medication and I’m trying to find away to make the pain go away it’s hard with the capsules
    I do not mix my prescription pain drugs with the kratom I’m also an RN so I know that would be stupid but I don’t know if I have the right strand or the right dose if somebody out there could just just give me a little help between the two red theWhite the green all that stuff I really want to do this please somebody help me figure out what would be in their opinion the best to go with and if pills or powder are better I would be so grateful I’m at the end of my rope

    1. When I stopped taking subs (I was down to 1mg a day of sub), I had to take 4-6g of Kratom every 3 hours on average. That would be 8-12 of the pills if they are size “00” and each hold .5g…
      Those 30 pills (or 15g) probably won’t last you a day… Buy at least a pound from a vendor if possible.

    2. Hello,
      I have been taking Green Maeng Da powder daily for about 4 years now due to a ruptured disc I acquired during military jump school (Airborne) many years ago. I have tried to use the powder in the pill capsules in an attempt to make my Kratom use more portable and easier. However; the capsules did not work for me at all, I believe it may be something about the capsule not dissolving until it is in your intestine maybe? Anyways, I use a measured 1 teaspoon cooking spoon to “toss and wash” my kratom with my coffee , its gross , but my wife mixes hers in about 2 oz of orange juice and says it isn’t bad. My advice is to order some Green maeng da , or red bali Kratom powder online. Don’t buy capsules or small crushed leaf from a head shop or local store because it will be old and acidic tasting.When you get it,put a leveled teaspoon of kratom into a very small Tupperware container (like for sauces) with about 2 oz (2 shot glasses) of OJ and shake it up. then drink it, and chase it if needed. if that doesnt work do it again about 3 hours later. Kratom will not kill you if you take to much, it will only give you a very upset ,nauseous stomach and make you vomit.Over the years I now take 2 teaspoons at a time about 3-5 times a day depending on what my work load is. I’m a diesel mechanic by trade.

    3. Please go to the “Kratom for dummies page.. On facebook…not implying anyone is a dummy it’s just a great page with supportive, educated people that WANT to help you understand all about our wonderful tea we have been blessed to find. Then join other support groups connected to Kratom education.. If you have trouble finding them pm me (Laurie E. Blanton) on FB and I’ll send you links. Good luck!!

    4. Im not an expert but it seems like for ppl with a srious opiate habit, tapering their drig of choice with kratom is the.most effective. As in start with a littke less Drug ofnchoice(DOC) than usual and a tiny bit of kratom here and there to delay usage. Then as it goes.on, lessen DOC and increase kratom. I hope that made sense to you. Btw dont use them.together but of tou wake up and use DOC for instance, wait until not feeling its effects to use kratom, then a few hours later DOC and so on.

    5. Take a tablespoon full mixed w/cup of oj
      Take it once every 12 hrs & u won’t need the opiates or even want the opiates…I’ve been done w/my opiates for 2yrs now…i took them for 15 yrs…thanks kratom

      1. I tablespoon is way too much for a new person they will be so sick start off with a half a teaspoon and work your way up

  11. cant say enough about kratom. its’ saving lives. i know many many people helped get off pills/heroin and get their life back. its going to be legal for responsible use it has to be the benefits are incredible,


    1. Well fuck me, I take way to much.

      7 grams a tablespoon? Dosing once a day, 21 grams a dose?

      Well that’s probably not good.

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