Kratom Tea Potentiators
Kratom tea has long been one of the most popular ways of taking kratom. This beverage is made by mixing kratom leaf powder into boiling water or by brewing kratom leaves themselves. There are a countless number of kratom tea combinations that you can use to boost your drinks potency, lower kratom tolerance, and increase overall health benefits. Here in this guide, we will be going over some popular kratom tea additives, showing how you can get the most out of your beverage. Welcome to the world of kratom tea potentiators.
What Is A Potentiator?
In simple terms, a potentiator is an additive used to enhance the effects or duration of kratom’s alkaloids. People use potentiators to lower one’s kratom dose and/or make kratom more effective over longer periods of time. Many of these potentiators are full of additional health benefits and will forever change the way you make your own kratom tea. Note that you should be mindful of how much kratom and potentiator you are utilizing when brewing your tea. A tea with kratom that has been potentiated too much or taken too consistently may bring on negative side effects. Start small and work your way up to find what’s best for you.

Citrus Juices
Grapefruit and other citrus juices such as Lemon and Orange have long been a popular additive to kratom. The acidity from such fruits helps extract more of kratom’s alkaloids into the tea that you would otherwise lose from brewing it in hot water. These drinks are high in vitamin C, which influences digestive enzymes in your body. Such enzymes are necessary for allowing the absorption of nutrients and kratom’s alkaloids. Additionally, these juices will help prevent your kratom from clumping together, resulting in a smoother, easier to drink beverage.
Turmeric Powder
Turmeric is a popular spice in the ginger family (another spice on this list) that has been used as a health boosting remedy for thousands of years in Southeast Asian culture. It’s main active compound is curcumin, which gives this spice it’s distinctive yellow coloring. Curcumin is backed by science as having natural immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great addition to any tea. In kratom tea, curcumin has the ability to bind with kratom’s alkaloids to increase the drink’s potency. We definitely suggest lowering your dosage when using turmeric powder, this spice is effective to say the least. Additionally, it is not recommended for regular usage, for turmeric is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) that produces serotonin, like kratom. Too much serotonin in your brain may lead to Serotonin Syndrome.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is a moderately hot chilli pepper that many people use to detoxify their body. Besides receiving an added kick to their tea, cayenne pepper in tea is full of health benefits. Reports have shown cayenne pepper to build one’s immunity, reduce inflammation, aid in digestion, and boost energy levels. Cayenne pepper’s main ingredient is capsaicin, and when combined with green tea, is shown to suppress hunger. When paired with kratom, cayenne pepper serves as a potentiator that increases potency and brings on kratom’s effects in a shorter amount of time. We suggest taking under a teaspoon of this pepper. Not only is it spicy but can lead to an uncomfortable digestive experience.
Watercress is a leafy green aquatic plant in the cabbage family. Historically, it is one of the oldest leaf vegetables consumed by humans, but it’s popularity has never been higher than it is today. This plant exemplifies the definition of a superfood. It is known for boosting immunity, having antibacterial agents, and being ultra-rich in vitamins and minerals. This hydrating vegetable is said to increase the duration of kratom and enhance the euphoric properties of your strain. This is definitely a potentiator worth infusing into your tea.
Valerian Root
Valerian is a flowering plant that comes from Europe and Asia. However, we are more interested in it’s roots. The valerian root has been historically documented for it’s relaxation and sedation properties dating back 3,000 years ago in Ancient Greece. Scientifically speaking, it releases a neurotransmitter which reduces neuronal excitability in your brain. This root is a great additive to a non-caffeinated/red strain tea combination to help relax you before falling asleep. Valerian root is perfect for lowering your kratom dosage, especially if kratom is something that you take before bed. Be conservative with your dose, reported side effects include nausea, headache and dizziness when taken at too high of an amount (especially with kratom).
Black Pepper (Often Used with Turmeric)
Black pepper is known as one of the most popular spices across the globe, but did you know that it is also a great kratom potentiator? Black pepper is rich in an antioxidant known as piperine, which helps prevent free radical damage to cells. Early reports on black pepper also show the potential to improve brain function and the lowering of cholesterol levels. Relating to kratom, black pepper is widely known for its ability to boost the absorption of nutrients and plant compounds. This especially bodes well if you are mixing your kratom with a green tea. Black pepper is shown to increase the absorption of EGCG, a healthy catechin in green tea by up to 130% as well.
Curious about how Black Pepper and Turmeric work together? Our friends over at Health Decoded make a compelling case for why you absolutely should combine these two spices.
Like kratom, ginger comes from a flowering plant that is native from SouthEast Asia. Although they are in different botanical families, ginger is an effective and popular additive to kratom tea. Ginger contains gingerol, a natural oil that works great in alleviating some of kratom’s least desired effects, such as nausea and constipation. Gingerol also contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cat's Claw
Cat’s Claw is a woody vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest. It has been used for centuries as a traditional medicine and allegedly helps combat inflammation, infections and even cancer. Cat’s claw has many additional uses, but has only been studied scientifically as of recent. Both cat’s claw and kratom contain powerful alkaloids that work in cohorts with one another, including a mild sedating effect. Cat’s claw is said to reduce the side effects of kratom and provide a “smoother” longer lasting experience.
Agmatine is really effective at reducing the build up of tolerance to kratom.
How so?
Would someone please please please give Step by step directions how to make kratom tea? Especially using potentiators. I use low dose for energy and depression”prevention”. Not a single site gives specifics on how much to use of what.
I boil 480ml (16 oz) of water. Turn off heat and stir in 2-2.5 gm (about 1 tsp) of powder. Acid helps release constituents, per Dr. McCurdy (Univ of Florida) so either 1/2 lemon juice, or since that’s a little tuff on my stomach, I use a scant 1/4 tsp of citric acid. Stir, cover and let steep 10 minutes. Then I strain using a coffee filter setup. Add honey for flavor and enjoy. Great energy! P.S. I like Thai green Maeng Da but white is good too.
Paul R. R.Ph. M.S.
Pharmacist, Nutritionist
Cat’s Claw is also known as an adaptagen and lowers cortisol levels, easing stress and anxiety. I was disappointed to hear that Tumeric is an MAOI, I can’t take MAOI’s because they can interact with my medicine. But I am glad to know that and found this very informative. Thank you guys!