Maeng Da Kratom
As a high potency strain, Maeng Da delivers a punch.
It brings many of the pain relieving qualities expected of Kratom, but with a much bigger stimulating boost. However, unlike other stimulants, the energy boost doesn’t come with any jittery, unfocused side effects.
The details
Maeng Da was specifically created as a high potency red kratom strain in the humidity and heat of Indonesia. Similar to Bali Kratom, Maeng Da blends pain relief and energy into one. However, in order to beat the heat in Indonesia, this strain was made to provide a bigger kick in energy than Bali.

the difference
Because of it’s specifically bred for alkaloid properties, Maeng Da takes the normal pain relieving properties of a red strain and adds a nice energetic kick that some reds lack.
the science
Maeng Da Kratom was created using a technique called grafting, where tissues of different plants are joined together to breed different qualities of each plant into a new strain. In an effort to create a strain which maintains pain relief while mitigating sedative effects so it could be used during work in Indonesia, Maeng Da was born.
I suffer from hashimotos disease and severe fatigue. I purchased 3p capsule pack of green vein maeng da kratom 18 grams today and don’t know how many to start taking. So far i have taken 2 and haven’t felt anything other than being sleepy. Should I try a different one?
To anyone needing to get off methadone, I want to encourage that it can be done with Kratom.
Hang in there brother. I’m doing the same thing! After 13 years on M’done and two unsuccessful attempts to ween myself off, after my 4 yr old grandson asking me why I’m sleepy all the time I knew I had to find a way to make a clean break. That’s when I got online and learned about Kratom. At 70 mg to start, I began titrating at a rates of 5 mg every month since I had monthly take home privileges. After a couple months it seemed to be going too slow so I opted to switch to two weeks of take homes. Then at 40 mg I switched to weekly take homes so I could go down 5 mg each week until I hit the 25 mg mark. Then I began using Kratom between doses to settle the restless legs and restlessness I was feeling late at night. I also switch the titration rate from 5mg/ week to 2 or 3 mg depending on how the week went. Now I’m at 12 mg and feeling like this is really going to work! I use Ultra Enhanced Meng Da 1-1/2 to 3 tsp which carries me through from when the M’done dose effect begins to wane until the next mornings dose. Because of how well it’s going, I have no sense of dread that I’ll have to suffer through months of restless legs and sleepless nights while my body transitions.
I am a 65 yrs old now and can say with confidence that 40 years of heroin addiction and 13 years on methadone is finally going to be permanently in my rear view as I anticipate my greatest days ahead living life to the full! Don’t give up man, every day is a gift!
This is awesome! Thank you for your testimony! Truly heartfelt.. Good luck to you!🤗
I’m currently taking Metadone controlled at a clinic and trying to step down off of it because… well the stuff is bloody horrible for the body. I remembered a buddy telling me he used Kratom to detox. With me stepping down 3 mg a week (currently at 73 mg down from 100 mg), I’m starting to have body aches and some sweats start. Today I saw the 1 Oz. pack of Maeng Da Kratom powder. My question… Could I take the powder in some water while I’m still on Metadone? Do these two play well btogether or have any bad interactions? Please help. I want to try this Kratom to offset the withdrawal effects of the M. Is that a good idea?
Help if you can please?
Hang in there brother. I’m doing the same thing! After 13 years on M’done and two unsuccessful attempts to ween myself off, after my 4 yr old grandson asking me why I’m sleepy all the time I knew I had to find a way to make a clean break. That’s when I got online and learned about Kratom. At 70 mg to start, I began titrating at a rates of 5 mg every month since I had monthly take home privileges. After a couple months it seemed to be going too slow so I opted to switch to two weeks of take homes. Then at 40 mg I switched to weekly take homes so I could go down 5 mg each week until I hit the 25 mg mark. Then I began using Kratom between doses to settle the restless legs and restlessness I was feeling late at night. I also switch the titration rate from 5mg/ week to 2 or 3 mg depending on how the week went. Now I’m at 12 mg and feeling like this is really going to work! I use Ultra Enhanced Meng Da 1-1/2 to 3 tsp which carries me through from when the M’done dose effect begins to wane until the next mornings dose. Because of how well it’s going, I have no sense of dread that I’ll have to suffer through months of restless legs and sleepless nights while my body transitions.
I am a 65 yrs old now and can say with confidence that 40 years of heroin addiction and 13 years on methadone is finally going to be permanently in my rear view as I anticipate my greatest days ahead living life to the full! Don’t give up man, every day is a gift!
I have been taking fentenyl 50 mg strips for about 6 years now for severe pain and wanting to wing off of them with Kratom what would be first recommend dosage I have the capsules.
Thank you
Has it helped? I was taking 8 mg Suboxone strips for a year and I heard about kratom and it forsure helped me it’s been a year I still drink it but I can stop drinking it and in ok but it helps forsure and it’s good to not be dependent on something that’s so bad it’s hard to live like that.
I’ve been on suboxone for about 6 years, 16 mgs a day. I’ve decided to go off of it. I only have about 20 mgs left trying to wean off with that and Red MDA Kratom (?) I bought this stuff awhile ago, tried it once and was hard to stomach so I easily gave up. I’m not giving up this time and I feel like I’m probably going to really need this stuff especially in a few days. Can someone give me an idea of how much to take and best way to measure the powder, as I don’t have a scale. TIA
You can buy the kratom in capsules that way you won’t have that nasty taste
Usually a teaspoon is the equivalent of about 4 grams and when I used it for oxy withdrawal I would have to take 3 teaspoons every 4 hours for the first few days then I was able to cut back two three times a day the following week then twice a day the third week and after that I only used it when I felt lethargic but keep in mind I was taking 90 to 120 mg of oxy a day for almost 5 years
I was on suboxone for many years everyday and while everyone’s bodies differ I can tell you if you do get the high from suboxone that they said i wouldn’t then you may end up needing a very heavy and frequent dosage until you get the suboxone out of your system. At first I didn’t think kratom was working until I tried 15 grams and then I knew it was working. I was on 15 grams every 6 to 10 hours for a couple of months before I was able to taper it down slowly. As far as the dosage I use a little disposable shot glass to judge but weight is the best way. I’d grab a cheap scale a Walmart if you can. For me three full teaspoons full(moderately heaping) was close to 15 grams but I’d try two and then see how you feel. Also for the taste I recommend using milk or almond milk drink some first to coat your taste buds and then you won’t get as bad a taste. Try white mangda for a better tasting strain, and just toss it in and chug a huge gulp trying to swallow all the kratom in one shot. Otherwise invest in the little press to make your own capsules so you aren’t paying out the wazoo for the premade capsules. Good luck! From one suboxone user to another invest as much as you can in making the Kratom work for you, I might be dead now if I hadn’t switched.
Going through same thing! Have to take the lowest dose possible I suggest buying it in pill form that’s what I’m doing easier to stomach
My suggestion to all of you trying to use Kratom, and get over the taste, is to use orange juice. I take it everyday for Lyme. You just get a juice shaker, with a ball in it, add 3 to 4 oz. of juice, 2 grams of Kratom, and shake. It hides the taste well. I don’t recommend buying Kratom in capsules or over the counter; buy from a reputable on-line company, that actually tests their product. When you buy in capsules you put the legitimacy of Kratom in jeopardy. They are always looking for a way to ban it, and capsule form, suggests human consumption, which can hurt the industry. Kratom works lets keep it around. Hope this helps. Good luck to all of you, the struggle is so real.
You can use crystal light in water. Just find a flavor you like and mix it with a glass of water. Put the powder under your tongue and then swishhh. Or use any flavoring brand to mix in water. I hate the taste of kratom. It’s absolutely disgusting, but with my crystal light water, it’s like drinking some iced tea. I use the “peach mango green tea” flavor and it helps mix the natural green tea aroma of the kratom with the flavor of the crystal light. The flavor mix does have some caffeine in it from the green tea though, in case you’re trying to avoid caffeine.
So yeah, I only use that to do kratom and it makes it much easier. I have a 20oz hydro flask that I use exclusively for my crystal light water, which I call my “kratom juice”. Lol
i was on 12mg a day and needed either 3 caps 2-3 times a day or 2-3 spoonfuls of powder. red strain helped significantly
Im new to K..Im looking for something colors for pain relief & Anixity..How is the red for this. Thanks
I was on adderall for years and years and have studied kratom trying to find a blend or something that might work for me? I quit the adderall cold turkey. Thank you for your input, I would love some help with this. I have white vein, red, green, and maeng da green currently. Would any of those help me? I should mention I was on adderall for narcolepsy/extreme fatigue issues. Thanks everyone!
I am trying to know about this product. Does it help for errectil dysfunction?
Short answer no.
Blow your load to fast this’ll help that.
Getting it up in the first place your on yournown
White would be best for energy and focus. I usually take about 1 gram white (for fatigue and to help manage ADHD) and 1.5g red (for pain) in the mornings and afternoons. White borneo is one of my favorite strains for helping alleviate fatigue and keep me alert!
I am on adderol 10 XR once every day . I have a package of 30 capsules of green vein meang Da Kratom . I no lie lost 3 so I have to wait till Friday to pick up on December 31st of 2020 will the capsules help me ??
1st, green maeng da.. how much do I take ??? Water and a cup, Im a simple guy and taste doesnt matter. for the affect. am waiting……………..
Your using to much ,how much of a scoop do you usd
I take between 5.5 and 6.5 grams I take mine in like a couple inches of warm coffee. Coffee if warm to hot will disolve it water will not gonna taste like shit so better with no chunks lol
I bought a 2oz pack of the green maeng kratom. its all powder and have never taken it before. Sounds like a couple table spoons on my way out the door for work is the way to go? and just throw the table spoons of it into a glass of water?
No, that’s far too much for a begginer dose. 1st) lower doses of kratom give better stimulation, higher doses pain relief and sedation. 2nd) begginer doses should be closer to the threshold dose of 2 grams. On a day you DON’T have work start with 2.5 grams then adjust by 1/2 gram doses every 30-45 minutes until you reach the desired effect. If you do not have a digital scale the easiest way to measure is not teaspoons. 1 teaspoon, packed and leveled, is usually about 2.5 grams. Hope this helps.
I was on methadone for 15 years i detoxed 180 mg got saved God cleaned me up im two months straight but lots of pain being normal stuff is good works went to docs and said large spleen cyst all over my spleen and all other organs does give back energy and relieves pain unbelievable
How much water do you mix it with?
You can’t mix with water it doesn’t dissolve
What do you mix it with?
I mix mine with coffee and alot of sugar and or flavored creamer because it tastes awful. It is true it does not dissolve, kinda like cinnamon.
Chocolate milk! I read up on what to mix it with and this has been the best advice yet! The chocolate masks the taste and you cant even taste the nasty stuff! Try it, you’ ll be surprised!
I use the throw and wash method. I use Gatorade to wash. I wouldn’t suggest water because it taste terrible.
Easier to just go buy empty capsules and fill them with the loose powder. A good way to measure is one capsule typically 0.5 mg or 500 mcg … therefore 2 capsules equivalent to 1 gram .
I’m a long time opioid addict , clean for 3 years . Very tolerant so I typically can take 4 grams every 4 hours no protein. Can also skip days and weeks without withdrawals. It’s a miracle !! Red Bali for Pain… Maeng Da for morning energy and pain relief . Good luck!
I put like 1/2 inch in the bottom of a coffee cup, hot hot water, stir up my one or two tablespoons then slip an ice cube in a swirl it around for a minute. The hot water dissolves it percent then cool it down and then I just take one or two big chugs and then rinse and gargle my mouth. Then I don’t have to like sup on it in coffee or anything cause its gross. So thats just how I’ve found to be the best way.
Like it with orange juice and another cup of orange juice to chase it with
Water does work. People dont understand this. Grab a small cup. Measure how much kratom you want and put it in the cup. You want to fill the cup just enough to where you can drink it all in one gulp, but before you drink it, you leave the cup alone for about 4-5 mins with the water and kratom in the cup. After that just stir it with a spoon. Grab anything you want to drink after the kratom. I personally use orange juice. It does well killing the taste after that big gulp you just took.
In my coffee cup I put about a inch and a half with 1 tablespoon
Orange juice or Sunny D work well in that the cutric acid helps the body use more of the plant alkaloids. It tastes terrible… I mean really, really awful BUT it does it’s job quite effectively. Add your meat On dose to any container with a tightly sealing lid, add desired dose, cap tightly, and shake for about 3 minutes.
I personally take Kratom for chronic pain, and I prefer this type. Very useful for living with fibromyalgia. Kinda changed my life.
I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts and I’m in constant pain, so I took this and it helps with the pain, but kinda makes me sick, is that normal?
I have noticed if i take too much i will feel nauseous. And also if i dont eat enough in between taking it. But i have to take it on an empty stomach for it to work.
Hi Heather,
I hope you don’t mind me reaching out. I have Fibromyalgia too. I’ve was diagnosed with it after having my second son. He had breathing problems and I got very little sleep for 18 months until his lungs matured. I’ve had it now for 27 years. My pain has gotten much worse over the last 10 years. I’m sitting here with my first dose of Keaton in my hand. I’m a little scared. I’m starting with a 1000 mg capsule.
Anything you can share with me? I’m worried it will be too strong.
I’ve been on methadone maintenance for 5 yrs now and am on 130mg daily. I was previously on suboxone for 3 yrs and got off that and got totally clean before a relapse led me back onto medication assisted treatment. Coming of suboxone was a nightmare for about 6wks. I will turn 40 soon and I’d like to start my 40’s OFF methadone but am scared to death of the long withdrawal period. It’s worse than quitting heroin, no doubt. I want to use kratom to lessen the withdrawals. Where do I start?
Hiya – I was using ,then went on a subutex prescription, weaned myself down from 12 mg to 0.8 mg in a few weeks then struggled like HELL to get off that last little bit… I bit the bullet one day and just did Kratom INSTEAD of my meds , 5/6G dose… and then sat there waiting to feel ill..
It didn’t happen!
…and didn’t happen… before I knew it it was 48 hours,then 72 …and then 7 days…
My legs ached for a week ,but that wore off eventually. I feel so much better than it did on subs, like I want to do things again … You can do this 💓
I used Kratom to ween off of Suboxone. It helped tremendously!! Buy some red Bali capsules at a smoke shop. Start by taking two just to make sure you aren’t allergic. Next time take 4. Just don’t take more than 6-8 your first time
Becca, I was on oxycodone for six and a half years and then my doctor just cut me off. The stuff works I haven’t had one sign of withdrawal symptoms
Please tell me how to take it?? How much?? How fast does it work??? Chronic fybromyalga pain is awful.
Just put the methadone down and start with a couple grams of Kratom twice daily. If it takes a little more no prob, you can’t od, just upset stomach if to much. I started on a heaping spoon full of powder, 4 or 4 grams(?)this after 2-300mg oxy per day, so it should be easy for you. It’s partly mindset though, I mean your mindset can make a HUGE difference in even physical symptoms. The Kratom “will” work, it really does, but it helps if you convince yourself that you are in total control.. It will take away the physical symptoms, but some people can give their self symptoms just by worrying and convincing themselves they need whatever they were taking when in fact they don’t.
Now I take 3 grams twice daily and want no pills at all, it’s been 10 years or so. I could take less, I’ve missed days with no Kratom and it was no big deal at all, just rather have it. When first starting I would eat the dry powder, it’s supposed to be nasty tasting, didn’t want to create another ritual. I had quit after a few months, but started back with the kratom a couple years ago just for energy and pain relief.
Good luck, you got this.