Kratom Methods Of Preparation

There are a few popular methods of using powdered leaf, but the most common are with capsules or tablets, “toss and wash”, mixing with food, and preparation as a tea. The following is a guide to help users discover their favorite way to enjoy kratom:

Kratom Capsules and Tablets

Kratom capsules have become one of the most common ways people now use kratom. You can find pre-capsuled kratom in almost any head shop in the US while some choose to buy empty 00 or 000 capsules and capsule their kratom for themselves. 

It’s important to note that 00 capsules are much better suited for kratom extract (due to the necessary dosage concentration of approximately 1/2 a gram to 1 gram. 

000 capsules are better suited for regular kratom powdered leaf. The increased size allows them to hold up to 1 gram of leaf per capsule, minimizing the amount needed for a regular dose. 

Kratom Capsules

Toss and Wash

“Toss and wash” is basically just spooning the powder directly into your mouth and washing it down with a liquid. Kratom is known as a diuretic and is associated with dehydration. It is important when using this method that you hydrate. This could be with your favorite sports drink or you can just stick with water. The word hydrate comes from the Greek word for water, so its hard to find a better hydrating beverage. 

This is commonly known as the most “difficult” method but is the quickest in a pinch and arguably gives some of the strongest effects.

The downside to this method is that the powder is incredibly dry and will stick to your mouth and throat, causing many to gag or cough “blow” the dry powder out of their mouth. If using this method of consumption, it is best to spoon small amounts at a time. 

Mixing Kratom With Food

Kratom can also easily be mixed into a food.

ice cream and coffee prepOur favorites recipes include mixing with apple sauce or ice cream!

Other good suggestions include mixing with chocolate almond milk or chocolate protein powder.

Keep in mind that kratom has a strong flavor and may not mix well in certain foods. Also, you will not reduce the efficacy of kratom if you take it with small amounts of food or any of our recommended recipes.

User Food Recipes (If you have a favorite recipe, feel free to send it to us to post!)

  • Reddit User nicolio8699:
    1/2 c vanilla yogurt (I used light & fit, but Greek would most likely be better because of its thicker consistency)
    1/4 c. lemon juice
    1 TBSP of powdered bali

Kratom Tea Preparation

Lastly, preparation as a tea is convenient and effective. 

It is important to note that only powdered leaf should be used to make tea. Extracts should not be used.

Start by measuring out between 1 teaspoon of powdered leaf. Using an extract is not recommended, as the hot water may break down some of the alkaloids, there’s no added benefit, and it’s more expensive. Boil 2-4 cups of water. The more water you use, the less strong the flavor, but as long as you drink it all the effects will be exactly the same.

Put the kratom powder into a large cup or container with a pour lip, and pour the boiling water on top. Stir until it is thoroughly mixed. Be sure there aren’t any clumps of dry powder. I highly recommend adding sugar, artificial sweeter, or honey (honey works the best to cut the bitterness), and stir. If using artificial sweetener, 2 packets is a good starting amount. Let sit until cool (at least 15 minutes), stirring occasionally.

Once cooled, allow the powder to settle to the bottom. Pour the tea into a drinking cup, and enjoy! At this point you can add more sweetener to taste, or add water or ice cubes to dilute the flavor. As long as you drink all of the liquid, the effects will be the same.

User Tea Recipes (If you have a favorite recipe, feel free to send it to us to post!)


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 spearmint teabag
  • 1 chamomile teabag
  • 2 teaspoons kratom
  • sugar, honey or artificial sweetener to taste
  • 1 teapot (I use something like this)

Double/triple/etc. the quantities to make a bigger batch.


  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Put both teabags and kratom in the teapot and pour boiling water over top.
  3. Let it steep for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Remove teabags.
  5. Put teapot in fridge and let it sit overnight. Kratom will settle to the bottom.
  6. In the morning, slowly pour the tea into a glass. Be sure to stop pouring once you notice the plant matter is about to come out of the spout. There will be a layer of kratom sludge left in the teapot—just dump it down the sink.
  7. Sweeten tea and drink! (I like to use two packets of Sweet’N Low.)
Kratom Tea Potentiators

In simple terms, a potentiator is an additive used to enhance the effects or duration of kratom’s alkaloids. People use potentiators to lower one’s kratom dose and/or make kratom more effective over longer periods of time. Many of these potentiators are full of additional health benefits and will forever change the way you make your own kratom tea. There are a countless number of kratom tea combinations that you can use to boost your drinks potency, lower kratom tolerance, and increase overall health benefits. 

Coffee and Kratom

The Mitragyna Speciosa, or better known as Kratom, is a close relative in the Rubiaceae family tocoffee, a plant species that millions of people around the globe consume daily. People around the globe use coffee for a variety of reasons, and like Kratom, not all coffee drinkers fit one particular profile. What we can find however, is overlapping uses, similarities and benefits between the two closely related plants. For instance, both Coffee and Kratom users report consuming to obtain an energy boost, facilitate social interactions, aiding physical performance/stamina, improving focus and enhancing one’s mood. But why are some coffee drinkers substituting their morning routine for Kratom, and others finding that combining the two works as a perfect blend?

More Kratom News & Information

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OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma has a complex and evolving relationship with kratom, a plant-based substance often used for its potential therapeutic benefits. The state’s regulatory ...
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Current Events

University of Florida Introduces Groundbreaking Kratom Course for Pharmacists

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The University of Florida, renowned for its leadership in kratom research, has launched a pioneering continuing education course for pharmacists titled “Kratom ...
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336 thoughts on “Methods Of Preparation”

  1. I usually the mix dosage I want to take with a little bit of warm water (few tablespoons) to help it blend more easily. I then pour whatever flavored beverage (lately it’s been an Arnold Palmer or Peach Guayaki Yerba Mate) in with the water and pour over ice. I prefer to sip on the drink, like a normal beverage, instead of chugging it all at once. Maybe I’ve just become too accustomed to the earthy flavor as it doesn’t really bother me when it’s mixed with something tasty.

    1. Hannah, I like mine with yerba mate tea as well and it gets rave reviews for mixing the two. I mix a shot of tea honey and kratom and drink it down.

    1. OJ Mango is the Best. Mix it let it break down. Mix it to ur taste. Let it sit 10 min or so. Chug it and a half hour later ZING ZING…

      1. That’s what I use too Mango Orange juice. However, I initially mix my dose with about 1/4 cup grapefruit juice, which in my opinion masks the bitterness the best and dissolved the Kratom the best as well. Then I poor the 1/4 cup mix of Kratom and Grapefruit juice into 1 cup mango orange juice.

  2. I first discovered kratom (around 2 years ago) accidentally on some forum and was only semi-impressed with “pimp grade maeng da” they raved about. Until one fine day when that vendor lost my order. (I purchased some capsules from a local head shop while squabbling with that vendor.) That’s when I learned that kratom’s effect on you is based entirely on your own body chemistry. Those capsules were more potent than any opioid for pain.
    I thoroughly enjoy Maeng Da or Indo for arthritis pain and Malay or Thai for energy — the right dose is amazing but ONLY certain brand names work for me. A friend of mine convinced me to buy a different brand of Maeng Da that he swore was far more potent than my usual brand. I tried his brand and nada — even at a higher dose.
    Nowadays, I buy from a local head shop or purchase powder and make my own capsules with a little machine which I bought on Amazon ($14.00). I take up to 12 grams at a time, in capsules and allow 1 hour for its full effect. Through this process, it never disappoints.
    My tolerance is off the charts, but I’ve found it to be most effective by waiting 2-3 days between uses (back to the Motrin). The best part is, that while I desire that buzz every hour of every day, I don’t need to have it in my bloodstream. If money is tight for a couple of months, then I can go without it for a couple of months.
    For those of you who are using Kratom to fight addiction, don’t give up until you’ve tried various brands/vendors. Eventually, you WILL find the right one for you.

    1. I just received my 1st order. I got it in powder form and after doing a lot of studying I not sure the color of the strains are any more than the age of the plant and has very little to do with a varying in potency. I did purchase 4 different strains before all my research so I will try to let everyone know if I do indeed feel any difference between them. However; for preparation I had read a paste option that worked rather well for my 1st dose. And it is silly simple. Measure out your dosage and slowly add a small amount of water and stir. Continue dripping water until the powder has turned into a paste. You can now ingest as much or little you want, with a glass of juice (or a can of coke, lol) Form the paste into little balls and wash down.

      1. omg good idea, im very picky with tastes/textures & about to take my first non-capsulated dose feeling like i just know im gonna immediately throw it up. this sounds best for me rn!! hopefully i’ll get past the bizarre flavor soon enough….

      2. Thank you for your share and this was the best way for me by far. Lightly moistened, stirred, till it formed a thick paste, rolled Into small balls. Placed them on the back of my tongue and washed them down. If you don’t breathe through your nose at all. (Same reason holding your nose while taking cough medicine works, eliminates taste buds abilities) you’ll barely taste it. Great idea and thanks again.

      3. Instead of water, you can use honey. It is messier but tastier. You can then freeze them into little pills. (or BIG pills)

  3. People People, calm yourselves!
    I feel like this turned into a rocket science board, LOL.

    I use 10g 3x day for pain/long term opioid maintenance. (White MD in AM, White Borneo Mid-Day, and Red Bali in PM.) Nothing else has gotten me to stay clean AND help with w/d AND my lower back pain.

    I hate capsules; so my only option is to mix and drink. My best solution to date? VITAMIN WATER! The XXX is my favorite. I take a sip of the chilled bottle; add my dose, shake and let sit. 30 min later it’s room temp, I gently shake a few times then chug it down. I’ve almost grown fond of the unique taste, however it’s not bad to say the least.

  4. I must be another Kratom Fiend! Anyway, I carefully measure out 16 to 18 grams of kratom and mix into an 11.5oz bottle of “Simply Orange with Mango” brand orange juice. The bottle is most rectangular except the top portion is rounded and I drink the juice down to where the round part meets the rectangle part of the bottle. Place the cap on and shake the shit out of it until all the kratom is no longer stuck to the bottle sides. Then I place on table upside down and let the bubble settle out a bit. A lot of the kratom will float up so this is why I place the bottle upside down. Then I flip the bottle several more times but much slower to break up the bubbles and mix the kratom better. Room temp is better to chug than ice cold and it mixes better.

    I use the orange mango because it’s sweeter than regular orange juice and pineapple/orange works well too. After most of the bubbles are gone I then just chug the whole thing as fast as I can which helps get the taste past my tastebuds.

    I’ve tried yogurt and it was the worst thing ever when using this much. I’ve tried other liquids and orange juice products seem best for me.

    1. I’ve found that the Peach Tampico works really well for hiding the taste! It’s very thick and is he besy I’ve found for masking the kratom. As of late I’ve been adding kratom to my Crystal Lite Energy drinks (not healthy but that with my Red Vein Thai gives me lots of energy)!!

  5. After trying kratom. I was surprised by effects. I was prescribed Demerol.,dilaud ,and high doses of oxiecodone for serious pain. When I used kratom it helps with the withdrawals of all prescribed pain medications. This is a serious relief if you don’t want to have to chase the dragon. By doctor prescribed addictions. Could this be the answer to our nationwide or even global opioids addictions?. I would have to say yes it would.

    1. I agree with you — it probably IS the answer to the opioid epidemic. I find that with regular kratom use, I have no desire for those scripts.

    2. After 16 of Hydro and many a day dope sick from $ issues , I was turned on to Kradom. It has been almost a year now of being ” Clean ” . People this stuff saved me and has put me back in a better place. Can’t tell you how much money i wasted. YES YES YES I don’t get it when the news talks so much shit about the problem but won’t step up to the plate with this INFO. I am now 61 and would have tried this years ago. Hope you read this and give it a try. ALL you have to lose is your money PEACE MY MIDGETS

    3. Thank you for your feedback.. I also suffer from chronic back pain and I’ve been given lots of medications which I really do prefer not to take can you tell me what the type of Kratom you take?..please I would really appreciate it.Thank you!

  6. Peanut Butter. That’s my advice. I’ve tried many of the recommended methods of taking kratom and most are actually *worse* for me than just mixing it into a small amount of water and chugging, however peanut butter is a really good way to hide the bitterness. I’d say it cuts out about 50-75% of the bitter flavour and can be used just as you would normally use peanut butter.

    As far as I can tell, getting kratom wet seems to be the thing that brings out the flavour the most, and peanut butter, being rather dry, helps to keep the powder from mixing with water.

    My number one recipe would be a sandwich of kranut butter (that’s my super clever name for the peanut butter and kratom mixture) banana, and honey. I make sure to have the banana slices separate the honey from the kranut butter, because as I said earlier, getting kratom wet seems to be the real issue.

    As with any method, I keep a glass of water and some nuts handy to get the after taste out of my mouth, because for me that’s always the worst part. Usually I take a bite of my kranut butter sandwich, swallow as soon as I think I can get it down, and then wash it down with water and eat a nut if there’s any after taste.

    1. I’m very new to using kratom and have tried various methods for ingesting it that have (so far) ended in miserable failure so I found this page to hopefully find an alternative to everything I’ve tried thus far. I just wanted to tell you that you completely made my day with your kranut butter sandwich recipe and even though I don’t care for honey, I’m definitely going to try this. But oh my gah, a kranut butter sandwich just gives me the giggle fits. Bless you. 😂

  7. In my experience, Naked juice smoothies, mango flavored can’t be beat to mix your Kratom in. The taste is almost completely masked. Those can be expensive yes, but Wal Mart has them for around $2.70 per bottle. I use only one third of the bottle of juice per 1/2 tablespoon (about 4 grams) of powder. I use the bottle to shake it all up well and down it goes. Highly recommended !

  8. I seriously need some help. Am I the only one who finds it disgusting?

    Today I tried, like mentioned above, mixing it with yogurt. When it was still overpowering I added a few more ingredients from above. By the end I was gagging with each bite.

    But taking it in a glass of water is no better.

    1. I mix in a blender 8-10 oz of vanilla falvored almond milk. Anywhere from 5-10 oz of Kratom. Mix in blender starting on low speed and increase to medium. Blend for 20 -30 secs. Drink right away. The good thing about almond (or soy) milk is that it doesn’t foam up, so it can drank right away. You can still taste the Kratom a little, but now I enjoy the taste.

    2. No, you are not alone and I have found it utterly disgusting no matter what method I use except one!

      The best way I have found is to go to your local health food store and pick up some gel caps (I use the double 00) and load up your Kratom in them and swallow like any other pill.

    3. You can put the powder into pill capsules and just swallow taste at all. May take a little longer to feel the effects as your stomach has to break down the capsule first.

    4. Put the powder into a pill capsule and just swallow. No taste at all. Will take a little longer to feel the affects as your stomach has to break down the capsule first.

    5. Stop being a Puss… Put 5 grams in OJ Mango. Mix it good 3/4 of glass. Let it set 10 min or so mix it again to ur liking. All you’ll taste is Mango. I prefer mine Chunky to get a Full Blast. After being on Roxy.s and Subs for almost a Decade. This IS THE ONLY THING that got me off the couch. I wish I could Snort the Shit. Dont do it I Tried LOL…. I wish I found this out when I was kickin Subs 3rd time around. The WMD is the Brand for me I purchased a Kilo.. chirstopher botanicial The Best!!!

    6. I swear by the capsule method. You know exactly how much you’re getting and no trace of that horrible flavor. It takes around an hour to kick in, but equally as potent.

      1. You can use less capsules and use rice paper and make mini pods. It’s found in many Asian stores in circles or squares and is usually dry. They make spring rolls with this. The trick is getting the right size for swallowing and the right fold. (it beats tide pods anyway). To make, soak your rice paper in warm water until it’s supple like fruit leather on a plate. put on a cutting board, cut your shape and you can either fold or sandwich between 2-ply of it and stamp edges to seal. You want the pod to be about the size of half a tea bag long. It’s easiest to consume right after making since it can dry hard and you have to wet again (which can get messy) for it to be soft enough to swallow. You can also steam them if they dry. Works easy and fast with no taste and no scooping into capsules and downing a dozen capsules.

  9. Yo, these recipes are INSANE. Make me feel like a fiend for how much kratom I use, lol. One teaspoon? Try 6 heaping tablespoons per batch. Not bragging, believe me. Quite the opposite.

    Here’s my method:

    STAGE 1
    – Boil pot of water on the stove.
    – Add 6 heaping tablespoons of kratom powder to boiling water. Start timer (15 minutes).
    – Add the juice of half a lemon to the brew.
    – Stir frequently to prevent scorching.
    – Bring heat down to ‘5’ after a minute or two.
    – Reduce heat to a ‘3’ after a few more minutes.
    – Stir occasionally.

    STAGE 2
    – After timer goes off, remove pot from stove and pour through metal strainer into a thermos.
    – Place thermos into freezer for 30 minutes to cool.
    – Strain kratom through a coffee filter into another container w/ a large opening (cup, glass, thermos).
    ~~*May require manual squeezing to push liquid through filter faster*~~
    – Discard used kratom powder or keep for future use.

    My fave strains are all red-veins; usually Bali or Kali (Borneo). Greens and whites are far too stimulating since I already take a stimulant daily. Bentuangie is the smoothest if taste matters to you. There are all sorts of new kratom strains popping up, such as “horned leaf” and “yellow Vietnam”, but these are likely marketing gimmicks. Don’t be confused, as there are really only three vein colors and a few locations kratom is grown.

    For anyone new to kratom, here’s a general layout of the effects:

    *White Vein: Stimulating. Great for morning use as a coffee replacement. The most popular strains in this class would be Thai and Maeng Da varieties.

    **Green Vein: Stimulating + Mellow. Slightly less stimulating than white but still energizing. Most popular strain in this class is Malaysian (Malay).

    ***Red Vein: Sedating + Analgesic. Best for evening use or as a pain reliever. Opiate-like effects. Most popular in class are Bali and Borneo.

    1. Yellow when referencing kratom just refers to how the leaves were dried so yellow isn’t a strain but it’s not necessarily a gimmick. At least from what I learned.

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