Kratom Methods Of Preparation

There are a few popular methods of using powdered leaf, but the most common are with capsules or tablets, “toss and wash”, mixing with food, and preparation as a tea. The following is a guide to help users discover their favorite way to enjoy kratom:

Kratom Capsules and Tablets

Kratom capsules have become one of the most common ways people now use kratom. You can find pre-capsuled kratom in almost any head shop in the US while some choose to buy empty 00 or 000 capsules and capsule their kratom for themselves. 

It’s important to note that 00 capsules are much better suited for kratom extract (due to the necessary dosage concentration of approximately 1/2 a gram to 1 gram. 

000 capsules are better suited for regular kratom powdered leaf. The increased size allows them to hold up to 1 gram of leaf per capsule, minimizing the amount needed for a regular dose. 

Kratom Capsules

Toss and Wash

“Toss and wash” is basically just spooning the powder directly into your mouth and washing it down with a liquid. Kratom is known as a diuretic and is associated with dehydration. It is important when using this method that you hydrate. This could be with your favorite sports drink or you can just stick with water. The word hydrate comes from the Greek word for water, so its hard to find a better hydrating beverage. 

This is commonly known as the most “difficult” method but is the quickest in a pinch and arguably gives some of the strongest effects.

The downside to this method is that the powder is incredibly dry and will stick to your mouth and throat, causing many to gag or cough “blow” the dry powder out of their mouth. If using this method of consumption, it is best to spoon small amounts at a time. 

Mixing Kratom With Food

Kratom can also easily be mixed into a food.

ice cream and coffee prepOur favorites recipes include mixing with apple sauce or ice cream!

Other good suggestions include mixing with chocolate almond milk or chocolate protein powder.

Keep in mind that kratom has a strong flavor and may not mix well in certain foods. Also, you will not reduce the efficacy of kratom if you take it with small amounts of food or any of our recommended recipes.

User Food Recipes (If you have a favorite recipe, feel free to send it to us to post!)

  • Reddit User nicolio8699:
    1/2 c vanilla yogurt (I used light & fit, but Greek would most likely be better because of its thicker consistency)
    1/4 c. lemon juice
    1 TBSP of powdered bali

Kratom Tea Preparation

Lastly, preparation as a tea is convenient and effective. 

It is important to note that only powdered leaf should be used to make tea. Extracts should not be used.

Start by measuring out between 1 teaspoon of powdered leaf. Using an extract is not recommended, as the hot water may break down some of the alkaloids, there’s no added benefit, and it’s more expensive. Boil 2-4 cups of water. The more water you use, the less strong the flavor, but as long as you drink it all the effects will be exactly the same.

Put the kratom powder into a large cup or container with a pour lip, and pour the boiling water on top. Stir until it is thoroughly mixed. Be sure there aren’t any clumps of dry powder. I highly recommend adding sugar, artificial sweeter, or honey (honey works the best to cut the bitterness), and stir. If using artificial sweetener, 2 packets is a good starting amount. Let sit until cool (at least 15 minutes), stirring occasionally.

Once cooled, allow the powder to settle to the bottom. Pour the tea into a drinking cup, and enjoy! At this point you can add more sweetener to taste, or add water or ice cubes to dilute the flavor. As long as you drink all of the liquid, the effects will be the same.

User Tea Recipes (If you have a favorite recipe, feel free to send it to us to post!)


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 spearmint teabag
  • 1 chamomile teabag
  • 2 teaspoons kratom
  • sugar, honey or artificial sweetener to taste
  • 1 teapot (I use something like this)

Double/triple/etc. the quantities to make a bigger batch.


  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Put both teabags and kratom in the teapot and pour boiling water over top.
  3. Let it steep for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Remove teabags.
  5. Put teapot in fridge and let it sit overnight. Kratom will settle to the bottom.
  6. In the morning, slowly pour the tea into a glass. Be sure to stop pouring once you notice the plant matter is about to come out of the spout. There will be a layer of kratom sludge left in the teapot—just dump it down the sink.
  7. Sweeten tea and drink! (I like to use two packets of Sweet’N Low.)
Kratom Tea Potentiators

In simple terms, a potentiator is an additive used to enhance the effects or duration of kratom’s alkaloids. People use potentiators to lower one’s kratom dose and/or make kratom more effective over longer periods of time. Many of these potentiators are full of additional health benefits and will forever change the way you make your own kratom tea. There are a countless number of kratom tea combinations that you can use to boost your drinks potency, lower kratom tolerance, and increase overall health benefits. 

Coffee and Kratom

The Mitragyna Speciosa, or better known as Kratom, is a close relative in the Rubiaceae family tocoffee, a plant species that millions of people around the globe consume daily. People around the globe use coffee for a variety of reasons, and like Kratom, not all coffee drinkers fit one particular profile. What we can find however, is overlapping uses, similarities and benefits between the two closely related plants. For instance, both Coffee and Kratom users report consuming to obtain an energy boost, facilitate social interactions, aiding physical performance/stamina, improving focus and enhancing one’s mood. But why are some coffee drinkers substituting their morning routine for Kratom, and others finding that combining the two works as a perfect blend?

More Kratom News & Information

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336 thoughts on “Methods Of Preparation”

  1. I usually parachute my kratom. I take 1 square of single thickness toilet paper, if multilayer I pull them apart, put tablespoon of kratom in the middle, grab opposing corners, both ways bringing them into the middle to look like a little sachel, twist them together then put that on my tongue then take usually orange juice and take a big gulp and down goes the dose, just be careful not to take to big dose because it will get stuck, its much better to take 2 smaller doses back to back. I also have a capsule machine and fill my own capsules, filling capsules is time consuming though. Toss and wash makes me gag sometimes and then the whole dose is in the toilet.

    1. Use a spring roll wrap cut into 4s. They’re less than $3 and last a while. That way you don’t ingest toilet paper.

      1. I would soak 2 teaspoons of kratom in a cup then pour the water over it citrus makes it work stronger

  2. For my sister and I couple tea spoons and a large sip of coffee ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. 30 min later pain back under control and (depending on the strain) my anxiety is under control as well as her depression and low energy.

  3. I toss dry powder and wash it down with not super hot, but hot coffee. It cuts the bitter into the coffee, its over quick and it hits me fast. Kratom and morning coffee start my day.

    1. I also add miralax to my coffee because it’s tasteless, and a stool Softener like Ducolax so I don’t have plumbing issues ( literally and figuratively )

  4. I can’t imagine eating a can of peaches for every 4 hour dosing for people with chronic pain that robs them of sleep like me.
    I cap it and have been using Kratom for over 4 years now. Getting off the oxy opiods was easy because they just stopped working and I wondered if the pharmacy was swapping them out for sugar pills.
    I have to dose starting at 7pm, 11pm, 3am, 7am in what is a real battle for sleep.
    I take a powder laxative and dump logs that plug the toilet if I don’t flush half way through the drop.
    My dosing has climbed to 15 caps 000 size and washed down with lemon water, it’s like having a rock caught up half way down.
    So I swallow the caps with water and then drink some lemon water which doesn’t cause the GERD.
    Looks like I am in for a lot of trouble if I can’t find a solution for my pain.

    1. Hey there, I am in the same situation prescribed Methadone back when they still made the 40mg disk. 2004 till about 4 months ago I legally and RESPONSIBLY took my meds. I never even had to be bumped up because my Dr. and me worked as a team and found the perfect dosage for me. Not that the Food and Dead administration gives a fk. but I was on the same dose for 10 years It worked. I’m not like all the dumbed down people who claim to hate opiates and opioids. When taken by responsible people who are not scamming liers the meds work. It’s another right being taken away from true and real people. Now over 20 million people are suffering over the few who have killed themselves on it. So now I am doing this kratom journal crap and have tried 4 types. I am on my 2nd month and nothing. I did pass out once but I think it was because I cried two days straight and was extremely worn out from the pain suffering and the stress of trying to find a doctor that no longer exists. Looking at my journals the maeng da I think was the one that put me out. For a few hours. My legs were running in the bed, the pain that was nerver there before. Bali is the another I am trying to make work. But so far nothing from any. Oh 1 he pain relief from menstrual cramps. That came right back. This is not right what is happening to millions. Not a few thousand . What the gov is doing now will kill more than anyone knows. National pain association has a form on the website for people to fill out and is being used to show real statistics. On the truth of the matter.

      1. Try the red bentuangie kratom it has worked well for me 1 1/2 tablespoons mixed with a few ounces of pineapple juice as the acid activates the alkaloids give it a shot the red kratom is best for trying to relieve withdrawl symptoms and is very relaxing

      2. carla c angelini

        U r right my husband was given methadone for his pain and now they treat him like a criminal and he was just doing what the Dr told him he is in the process of coming down off of it if you were on it for over ten years it could take months before you feel normal

      3. don’t assume your leg problems are due to withdrawal. It sounds like you have restless leg syndrome like I have. our narcs took care of that along with treating pain, but when the narcs are stopped, then restless legs rears its ugly head and thrashing takes over when sleep is so badly needed. Ask your doc for prescription meds for restless legs, many are getting relief. I also find that if I use a stationary bike for just a few minutes when I am thrashing, that helps settle them a bit. Some of my own patients when I was a hospital nurse told me they take added calcium such as Tums and Tylenol at bedtime as well as drinking real tonic water which has quinine in it and that helps. Work with your primary care doc on this.

      4. How much maeng da did you take to pass out? You were on prescibed opiates for 10 years, and then stopped taking because of the government’s frowning, and then what followed was opiate withdrawal. Your legs were “running?” That’s what we call “kicking the habit” not a reaction of kratom use. Good luck with medication management and finding a doctor who is willing to work with you.

      5. I was on methadone for 4 years then quite cold Turkey. The withdrawals lasted so long that I was suicidal. I am sorry you have to go through that. It will take alot of time before you can feel the effects of kratom due to the fact that methadone takes so long to leave the body. I finally was able to sleep more than 4 hours a night at about 8 months of quitting dones. The kratom will help ease symptoms but will not take them away all together until the methadone is completely gone (I have heard methadone is stored in our bone marrow).

    2. The best way to toss and wash is to take a big sip of your drink of choice (I use apple cider) hold the liquid on your tongue, dump your powder into your mouth and allow the liquid to guide the kratom down your throat…

      Dumping powder into a dry mouth and then adding the liquid afterwards is sheer madness, you’re almost certain to gag and get powder stuck in your throat. You will not even taste the kratom if you just add the liquid first, then the powder.

      This method works best when using a maximum of 1 teaspoon at a time. You may even want to begin with 1/2 teaspoon at first then work your way up.

      Have fun!

      1. Yes I agree with your method toss and wash . It took me a while to get it right. I use water mostly but any drink works, not hot, but even room temp. then there is no taste of the powder. I stopped the oxys in January, actually my Dr stopped them, and found out about kratom in April. It helps me so much. I like the green powder the best..for awhile I had green, red and white. White made me feel like I had way too much caffeine. I tried them all and still buy the green. I also had either a small glass of orange juice or the Arizona herb tonic energy tea and drank very quickly. Also instead of stirring use a shaker cup, it mixes very well. Good luck everyone !

    3. Coconut capsules help tremendously with constipation. Start with one then work up to two depending on how your body reacts. With this method you get relief and the benefits or coconut oil.

  5. Mixing kratom with food will definitely reduce the efficacy of kratom. The onset will be nearly twice as long and it will take about %30-%50 more for the same effects. Please fix this in the article

    1. Anne, the amount of powdered kratom needed to fill enough capsules is rather high. It would likely be a lot of pills to fill and swallow, so it has never been a preferred method.

      1. Anne: I filled capsules for years with a capsule-filling machine I bought on Amazon and capsules from, which are very cheap. Nonetheless, it’s tedious filling all those capsules and so now, after years of filling capsules, I’m steeping Kratom tea. I’ve just started and am figuring out the amount to use. Also, some people say to toss the “sludge” at the bottom of the cup away and others say to drink that. Does anyone have anything more to add to that?

  6. I have been using Opioids for years because of a severe lower back injury. every three days I would not take them and allow my body to recover this minimized the addiction. then I started using Kratom. Three teaspoons a day work as well as four 7.5mg of codeine but they both cause constipation and I found a solution for Kratom (less effective for Codeine).

    !5 minutes are so before taking Kratom eat a can of peaches, I like ones either packed in natural juices or water. The end effect is you will maintain regular bowel movements using this method. Wait a few hours before eating a heavy meal.

  7. If you put a small amt into one square of one ply toilet paper, wrap it into a little pouch, twist or cut off the extra paper and take it as you would a vitamin…it’s works as good as when putting a spoonful directly in mouth-but not as disgusting..can’t taste it at all. Empty stomach makes a huge difference in how long and how strong the effects are. Taking it in hot tea or any hot beverage decreases the efficacy.

    1. Vaughn A Griffiths

      I’m drawn to your toilet paper method, and you might be right about heat decreasing the efficacy, but I’ve also read that heat increases the efficacy.
      If you’re right about heat or it makes no difference I’ll try out your method.

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