Town officials linked to law enforcement interests want to criminalize kratom consumers in Zachary Louisiana. A hearing may be anywhere form September 5 – 12. Please contact [email protected] and [email protected] and please ask them to allow you to roam free with kratom tea in that part of OUR country. The kratom law in Louisiana passed this summer still allowed for municipalities to ban kratom. These laws don’t come from a vaccuum – moneyed interests are always involved. They don’t care about whether or not it benefits people. Organize with Louisiana kratom advocates by emailing [email protected]

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Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
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Disclaimer: None of the content on this or any episode of Kratom Science Podcast, Kratom Science Journal Club, or on any of the pages of KratomScience.com constitutes or should be considered medical claims or medical advice.
such a shame. i hope they’re able to get it overturned
i really hate this for them
so sad!
so sad to hear they passed it 🙁
Sending good vibes to those affected!
Let’s get work together to keep this plant accessible! #Zachary4Kratom
That was southern IL down by STL..
I was there ..I need help reverse them.
Best of luck to our friends in Zachary!