My guest is Drew Turner. Drew is a kratom activist and consumer who appeared in the documentary A Leaf of Faith. He is a Navy veteran, and As a result of his service, Drew suffers from PTSD, Meige syndrome, and has recently completed chemotherapy. He drinks kratom tea as a part of his wellness routine.
In November, the department of Veterans Affairs evicted Drew and his wife and pets from their long-time home outside of Washington DC. He currently lives in Michigan, and is in the early stages of planning a full-length documentary of his own about kratom.
Follow Drew on Twitter @DrewTurner73
Music: Risey “Memories of Thailand”
Written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
Disclaimer: There is no content on the Kratom Science Podcast nor on KratomScience.com that in any way constitutes medical claims or medical advice. You should consult a medical professional for medical advice and we believe this sincerely. Take care.

This podcast reminds me of an atrossity I heard about about two months ago. The veteran’s affairs guys, sorry I don’t know the official name, have begun cutting veterans off their opiates, regardless of how long they’ve been on them. This happened to a relative of mine,one of my uncles, and I turned him onto kratom. It didn’t work for him, so he’s been taking medical marijuana instead. This is in texas, so I’m surprised he’s been able to get it. The excuse the veteran’s guys use is that only people in stage 4, in otherwise life ending, agony will get opiates, all others should take over the counter stuff. My uncle’s doctor actually told him to take aspirin, ibuprofen and aleve, they work great opiates don’t work bla bla. What a travisty. I use kratom for years, and thank god every single day that I have it. Military families have every right to take kratom or any other substance that helps their stress. Us civilians have no idea what they go through when abroad, so cannot expect them to simply put their stresses in a box and never look at it again when they come back.