Jorie Kowtowsky had her first opiate prescription at 10 years old after suffering a figure skating injury. Many injuries, during her high school years and a bad car accident at age 24 left Jorie permanently disabled. Along with other traumatic events in her life, which led to PTSD, Jorie became an opiate addict. After a brush with the law Jorie committed to becoming sober. Just last year she discovered kratom and it helped her stay off opiates, get off psych meds, and decreased her use of other medications. This is Jorie Kotowsky and this is her kratom story…
The Kratom Science Podcast is written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
Disclaimer: There is no content on the Kratom Science Podcast nor on KratomScience.com that in any way constitutes medical claims or medical advice. You should consult a medical professional for medical advice and we believe this sincerely. Take care.