Mr. Boston, who chooses to remain anonymous, was pushed out of a tree at the age of 13 where he got a slipped disk and went on a regimen of gradually stronger and stronger opioids. Living with chronic pain, he later developed an even more painful autoimmune disorder, which he says feels like being attacked with a chainsaw every day, as well as multiple sclerosis. On top of that, he had three near death experiences from overdoses of opioids including fentanyl and carfentanil. He discovered kratom which he says gets him through the day without the serious withdrawals and addiction that opioids gave him.
Disclaimer: There is no content on the Kratom Science Podcast nor on KratomScience.com that in any way constitutes medical claims or medical advice. You should consult a medical professional for medical advice and we believe this sincerely. Take care.
Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com