Marcelle Morfin got a back injury while serving in the Army in 2006, and that was the beginning of her chronic pain journey. She was later diagnosed with degenerative disk disease, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, IBS, and cervical stenosis with myelopathy. She had been prescribed opioid pain medication, but had an aversion to taking pills. In 2017, after contemplating suicide, she discovered kratom which she calls a huge blessing.
After this episode posted, Marcelle reached out and wanted to clarify two things:
“At the ER they gave me Toradol not tramadol. The first is an anti-inflammatory, the one I said is a narcotic…I actually was in tramadol in 2011 for a short while.”
“I should have clarified that I was only in the Army a little over 4 years. You have to have done at least 20 years or be totally disabled in order to get to be medically retired.”
Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
Disclaimer: None of the content of this or any episode of the Kratom Science Podcast, Kratom Science Journal Club, or KratomScience.com are intended or should be taken as medical claims or medical. Please see a medical professional. Be safe: less is more.