“NO JUDGEMENT, NO SHAMING, NO PREACHING, JUST LOVE! (800) 484-3731 If you are going to use by yourself, call us! You will be asked for your first name, location, and the number you are calling from. An operator will stay on the line with you while you use. If you stop responding after using, the operator will notify emergency services of an \”unresponsive person\” at your location.”
– From neverusealone.com
Mike Brown has been working in harm reduction for much of his career. He is a former IV heroin user, and founder of Never Use Alone, a hotline people who are using drugs can call if they are worried about overdosing. We talk about Mike’s experience with kratom and why the people who told him “You can’t get withdrawals from it” were wrong, what’s wrong with 12-step programs, why harm reduction works better than abstinence, and why the war on drugs is doing more damage than healing.
https://nextdistro.org/policies – Laws relating to Good Samaritan, Syringe, and Naloxone by state
Kratom Science is on Facebook.com/kratomscience and Twitter @kratomscience
Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
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Disclaimer: None of the content on this or any episode of Kratom Science Podcast, Kratom Science Journal Club, or on any of the pages of KratomScience.com constitutes or should be considered medical claims or medical advice.
Happy to have found this podcast! I listened to the episode featuring Mike Brown, and look forward to listening to more. I belong to a kratom group on FB and shared this info with the group. Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks Sallie!
Mike is a great guy great show!!