Susan Ash discovered kratom in 2010 after suffering from the effects of Lyme Disease, which she believes she contracted spending years in the forest as part of her education in environmental and forest preservation work. A few years later, it was apparent kratom consumers needed an advocacy organization as some states had banned the plant based on its association with new synthetic drugs. Along with her colleagues Paul Kemp and Sebastian Guthery, she started the American Kratom Association. In 2016, the nonprofit organization grew exponentially, and led thousands of citizens to push back on the Drug Enforcement Administration, who would reverse its decision to ban the plant. The following year, Susan Ash would be ousted from the organization she had founded.
In part one, we talk about Susan’s background, what led her to kratom, how the AKA was formed, and what led up to the historic day in 2016 when the DEA for the first time reversed its decision to ban a substance.
In part 2 (episode 77), we’ll discuss her exit from the AKA, the motivations behind it, and her response to years old allegations against her. We’ll also get into the importance of a media campaign in expanding kratom knowledge, what it takes to lobby your representatives, what Indonesian kratom farmers are facing, and what Susan Ash has in store for the future
Susan’s appearance on “The Doctors” can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqNetM7OWj0&t=333s
Kratom Science is on Facebook.com/kratomscience and Twitter @kratomscience
Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is written and produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
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