Dr. Kirsten Smith of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) joins us once again to talk about an upcoming comprehensive study that will include a detailed nationwide survey, testing of kratom samples, and testing select individual kratom consumers. We also cover several papers that Dr. Smith led or co-authored that have been published since her last appearance in summer of 2021 (Episode 55), addiction vs. dependence, dose escalation, and the role of extracts, kratom consumer demographics, a guide on kratom to educate healthcare providers, kratom as an alcohol replacement, an is kratom a gateway drug into opioids?
References from Episode 81
- NIDA’s kratom page https://nida.nih.gov/drug-topics/kratom
- Smith, K. E., Dunn, K. E., Grundmann, O., Garcia-Romeu, A., Rogers, J. M., Swogger, M. T., & Epstein, D. H. (2021). Social, psychological, and substance use characteristics of U.S. adults who use kratom: Initial findings from an online, crowdsourced study. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology, 10.1037/pha0000518. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/pha0000518
- Smith, K. E., Dunn, K. E., Rogers, J. M., Garcia-Romeu, A., Strickland, J. C., & Epstein, D. H. (2022). Assessment of Kratom Use Disorder and Withdrawal Among an Online Convenience Sample of US Adults. Journal of addiction medicine, 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000986. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1097/ADM.0000000000000986
- Smith, K. E., Rogers, J. M., Dunn, K. E., Grundmann, O., McCurdy, C. R., Schriefer, D., & Epstein, D. H. (2022). Searching for a Signal: Self-Reported Kratom Dose-Effect Relationships Among a Sample of US Adults With Regular Kratom Use Histories. Frontiers in pharmacology, 13, 765917. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.765917
- Smith, K. E., Rogers, J. M., Schriefer, D., & Grundmann, O. (2021). Therapeutic benefit with caveats?: Analyzing social media data to understand the complexities of kratom use. Drug and alcohol dependence, 226, 108879. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108879
- Smith, K. E., Rogers, J. M., & Strickland, J. C. (2021). Associations of Lifetime Nonmedical Opioid, Methamphetamine, and Kratom Use within a Nationally Representative US Sample. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 1–11. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/02791072.2021.2006374
- Swogger, M. T., Smith, K. E., Garcia-Romeu, A., Grundmann, O., Veltri, C. A., Henningfield, J. E., & Busch, L. Y. (2022). Understanding Kratom Use: A Guide for Healthcare Providers. Frontiers in pharmacology, 13, 801855. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.801855
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Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
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Disclaimer: None of the content on this or any episode of Kratom Science Podcast, Kratom Science Journal Club, or on any of the pages of KratomScience.com constitutes or should be considered medical claims or medical advice.