Walt Prozialeck returns to discuss his new article published in the journal Toxics, “Public Health Implications and Possible Sources of Lead (Pb) as a Contaminant of Poorly Regulated Kratom Products in the United States”. We talk about the dangers of high levels of Pb exposure, how even moderate doses in some products can cause toxicity over time, how Pb can compound in levels commonly found in some foods, how this effects children and pregnant people, where the Pb is coming from, how side effects in some case reports listed as “kratom-induced” are very similar to side-effects of lead toxicity, and how proper regulation and further research can help prevent this.
- “Possible causes of kratom-related liver toxicities and deaths” https://www.kratomscience.com/2022/07/19/possible-causes-of-kratom-related-liver-toxicities-and-deaths/
- Prozialeck, W., Fowler, A., & Edwards, J. (2022). Public Health Implications and Possible Sources of Lead (Pb) as a Contaminant of Poorly Regulated Kratom Products in the United States. Toxics, 10(7), 398. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10070398
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Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand”
Kratom Science Podcast is produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.com
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