GoFundMe fundraiser for Marshall Price’s family https://www.gofundme.com/f/marshall-price-justice-fund?qid=b822a1c4a9f7b7be0c44c34d8931bc77
Demonstration: Friday December 16, 5pm at Greene County Jail 1809 N Rockingchair Rd Paragould, AR 72450 “Bring signs/posters that say things like: #JusticeforMarshall, Kratom Saved His Life”
Tweetstorm: Friday December 16, 6pm CST #JusticeForMarshall #JusticeForMarshallPrice #IAmMarshallPrice
Updating you on what we know about the circumstances and death of Marshall Price, the man who died of suspicious injuries in Greene County Jail on in Arkansas on December 7, 2022. His death came just 3 weeks after being convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for “felony trafficking” of kratom, when we was only carrying, the state claims, just over 200 grams, or 7 ounces. Greene County Jail has a history of suspicious deaths and injuries of inmates. The Greene County Sheriff confirmed Price died in custody after giving confusing statements about the circumstances. Open records requests into the case of Marshall Price are being ignored by the county.
Related Articles
- Inmate letter to sister on the death of Marshall Price https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=624005296395559&set=a.553570803439009
- “In-custody death of Greene County man devastates family” https://neareport.com/2022/12/09/in-custody-death-of-greene-county-man-devastates-family/
- (Another inmate death in Greene Co Jail from 2021) “Sheriff’s Department reports inmate death” https://www.paragoulddailypress.com/news/sheriffs-department-reports-inmate-death/article_3a162635-5c60-5559-b6fc-6cb0b6364d85.html
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Music: Risey, “Memories of Thailand
Kratom Science Podcast is produced by Brian Gallagher for KratomScience.co
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